Coffee at folks. Little A. came with me. The folks were leaving for SC about 8. Anabel was scheduled for a blood test and possible Chemo. Howard had a skin check?. Anabel's platelets were down one point from last Wed. so no chemo. The doctor talked a little about having the blood test done in IG the day before. We'll see what comes about. After school I ran the trail, Denny had a haircut and bought groceries. The little gal is Shae... Jason's niece. A real cutie.
Mary Jo's blessings are such an encouragement for me. But the blessing for last Friday really spoke to me. I am challenged outside my comfort zone. and I question a lot whether this is the territory that God's wants me to occupy. "May the Lord bless and keep you today. May you step up to new experiences and obedience with the Lord. May you be challenged outside of your comfort zone, into the territory God wants you to occupy. God bless you." At school today I had a talk with a student who really had no interest in his future...didn't want to think about it, or plan for it. Didn't want responsibility, that was too much work. This is tough territory, Lord, that I don't have the know how to deal with. I'm out of my comfort zone. But I know you are with me. Help me and my students. You have a plan for their lives.
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