Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday ... Almost time for Dubuque get together!!!

Mandy got up to have some yogurt and granola with us. Then Nice/Niece/Neph came down to say Good Morning. I left for school. Regular day. Trying to look at the positive of challenge... like Missy. Good to have inspiration. Went to Dose's after school. Saw Jensen's and Mandy, She ran the trail, I came home to put supper on. Wonderful meal, if I must say so... ham balls, party potatoes, cabbage salad with ranch dressing, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, Ice cream and crunched up choc chip cookies. Girls spen the night trying on clothes, packing, visiting. ... Who would have ever thought raising girls that were one and nine could be so much fun when they are 26 and 34 ... Thank you, Jesus. Looking so forward to this weekend with family!!!

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