Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday in Dubuque

Fun to see Mandy before work. Another Friday. We left for eastern Iowa at 4. Should be in Dubuque about 8. Matt is there. Missy's there. Mandy and Jason.... There. Luke and Karen ETA. 9:45 :). :). Finally ...We are there.... Fun to see all the family,but so many. It is hard to decide who to visit with. One room was full with Nancy and family celebrating her 70 birthday. There was a cake with Nancy, Ben and Gavin's name. Katie has already had her baby shower, so I gave her our gift and looked at all the gifts she had gotten. I helped Julie meet Becca and carry her stuff and kids up to their room. Matt and Becky leave about 5 tomorrow am for a football game in Mankato. Denny,Mandy, and Jason are across the street. I tried to sleep, but waited up for Denny to come home. So nice to be with family. I stayed up way too late. Pictures of of Denny and Brooks 2011 and 2012. Also 2 brother in laws and the Mo. Johnson kids and me Sat am for a tea party before Torren hurt his finger.

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