Saturday, November 3, 2012

Submitted my student teaching Self change project

I finished reading the Journey By James Michener. It a book for World Geography. We are starting to study the regions of the world and instead of doing work sheets the students have the option of reading this book. It was fun to have something to read. I worked all day on the self change project for my internship. I just submitted it. That should complete the classes needed to get my certification for Special Education instructor. Uffta!!! Kind of a great feeling. Denny worked at Odebolt this am. This afternoon Gary, Linda and Denny were at the folk's. They talked to Diane for 4 hours. I did dig up the dahlias and plant the lily bulbs that I got in the mail last week. It was beautiful outside. We had tacos for supper when Denny came home. I peeled potatoes and fixed ham balls for Thanksgiving weekend. I also ordered by plane tickets for Texas this December. Pictures are of the livestock. These 10 red wattle will be going to a new home. Mama red wattles will be here for a while. The gal who only had 5 will be headed to a new place ... the locker when she gets done nursing. The Grands think is it great fun to chore with Dad. Love that four wheeler.

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