Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday :)

 I took flowers to resource ladies.  On Fridays I monitor hallways.  After school I worked on IEP for a while, then Lynzie and Cathy were working there together so I went home.  I walked around the gardens.  They are tucked in for the winter.  Denny mowed them off with bush hog, Then tilled them with tractor tiller.  Phillip planted cover crop on them and dragged the soil with the 4 wheeler. Good night, sleep tight,  Rest until next spring.

I found this blog post that I  had never posted.  So here goes a post from the end of March:

I have decided that Brooks will make a great radio announcer.  When he is talking there is absolutely no dead air time.  Words just come out of his mouth at a constant rate with a volume of about 100 + decibles.  I tried to record by writing his speech this am when he came down to tell me that he had gone poop and pottie in the toilet.  This is an accomplishment which earns him 2 jelly beans for a poop and 1 jelly bean for a pottie from Grandma.  He has been at it for about a week.  If I am in the house he comes down to tell me and let me reward him.  If I am not present he comes down when I arrive and I happily give him treats. (I hope I am not still doing this when he is twenty.)  He did tell his parents this am that it was pretty easy.  That is a good sign.  Hopefully bribery (incentive) will work.  I had also left 5 pieces of coffee cake on the floor at the top of the stairs earlier this am and he had to tell me what he did with the plate.
 Vicki is retiring after this school year.  She has been a SPED teacher here for 32? years.  We have interviewed 3 people for the job and the principal offered the job to one of the gals and she took it.  YEA!  

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