Friday, October 11, 2013


Last night I saw there were lysianthus out in the garden so while it was just beginning to get light I went out and picked the flowers.  I took them to school and put them in two vases.  One for Kathy who had a birthday today and one for Susan whose birthday was yesterday.  I had an I. meeting at 8 am.  It went okay.  One English student gone.  Read some of AR to a student ... up to 277 out of 356 pages.  At 3:30 meeting with Cathy.  Then I met Susan at Food Pride and had a nice visit.  Then groceries for tomorrow night.  I thought about working at school, but Denny was home and I decided to join him.  We grilled pork chops and sweet potatoes.  Great meal.  Denny played football with Evan.  Just a very great night after a week of work.

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