Friday, October 18, 2013

No kids at school today

Left for school a little early.  Time to work on grades.  Thankfully I could give them to someone to enter them on the report cards.  Worked on IEP then when I was about ready to leave school to head to Denison for an appointment I got an email telling me to contact a student's mom for IEP for Meeting next week.  UFFTA!! She has changed her phone at least 3 times and I only had the two numbers that have been discontinued.  Then note about progress monitoring... and was wanting to leave. Headed to St. Jo at 5:49,  Stopped at Shopko, but no swimming suits,  Made it to Matt and Becky's about 10.  Luke and Karen got there about the same time.  Mandy face timed us.  So thankful for the family.

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