Friday, October 31, 2014

Home school skating

Denny came home for lunch and to oversee new bedroom furniture delivery. Slumberland brought our new bedroom set. It is pretty high off the ground with drawers under the bed. After school I stopped by an apartment to find out home school phone number. The mom wasn't there. I bought sheets and blankets for new beds. (I got them at Shopko and they are not good quality sheets. The fluffy blanket sheds on the sheets and on the quilt. Really disappointed in them.) At 5:15 I headed to Arthur and watched Madeline while Jensens and Solazarnos went trick or treating. Maddie slept in her carseat and I went in Mary G.'s home and kept warm while kids and moms were trick or treating. At 7 when T or T was over I took Grands to Skate Palace for Home school skating. There was a great turnout ... lots of kids. We didn't stay until the end and missed the handing out of candy. I think they had enough from earlier and I was ready to get home.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Making omelets and biscuits and gravy

At school the students made omelets and biscuits and gravy. Two didn't like gravy, so they wanted to make omelets. At home the carpet got put in the extra bedroom and it looks good. We chose a beige with navy blue flecks. Pictures from wedding: Mandy painted this bike and they rode it at the ISU IA football game. They also rode it around the skate palace the night of the wedding. The seating chart was on the windows that Denny hinged together. I draped a lace table cloth over the back side.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Banana Split night

Regular day at school.  Early out and PD with close reading.  Left for Awana at 6.  There were 238  people at church tonight.  32 guests that came with clubbers for the first time.  44 girls 3-6th grade.  Missy and high school girls made the banana splits. After Awana Missy came to get the puppy outfit for Brooks.  The carpet got put in the back bedroom.  Looks pretty nice. Talked to Mandy about my Monday schedule.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Denny and I both left early this am. I went to the store and started to get supplies for Banana Split night.  After school, I went back to the store to get ice cream, whipped cream and strawberries.  Denny was at spinning class.  Hopefully he won't be as sore as last week.  They accepted our bid for kitchen floor. Denny and Phillip moved the appliances out of kitchen and laundry room.  Now they are taking out the stool.  Wow.  Wonder what it will turn out like.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Anabel gymnastics

Full day at school Denny went to work early.  After school I headed to Odebolt we had a pizza lunch on the way down and got water and a hamburger for after class at McD's.  Fun to watch Anabel do gymnastics. Brought back lots of memory visuals of Luke and Mandy and the 6 years we went down to Julie and Sherry's.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday fun

Kids got up at 7. I said read until 7:30. So nice. Denny went up and had coffee in the living room with the new furniture. He was doing sound system at church and so we let him off before going for donuts.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


KIds were up early and I told them they had to stay in bed until 7. Still seemed early to me. Great full day. Furniture for living room came about 8. Went to town about 9. Got medicine for Denny and milk. Played at the purple park. Came home and played outside. I mowed down the flowers garden and then mowed / blew leaves into a pile for kids to jump into. Denny put lamps together in afternoon and did chores. I went into 31 party at Kate's. Kids were in bed when I got home.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday with Mandy and Jason

Denny was up early.  So was Evan.  He had his 10 minutes of screen time in before 6 am.  Denny went out to do chores.  Not really light enough to see very much.  Kids had cocoa puffs ... Loved it. When Denny left for work we left for Cherokee 48 miles.  about 50 minutes.  Played in Mandy's basement,  great place lots of space to bounce a ball or practice handstands and the laser gun is great for E&B.  About 9:30 we headed out park hopping.  First to a orchard that wasn't open.  Then to a bright red tree in a cemetery.  On the way to town we passed the park by the high school.  Then to a thrift store to look for bathing  suites, since I forgot the one that Missy packed at home.  Then to the small playground on the east side of Spring Lake.  Then to the west side bigger playground on the other side of the lake.  I went to pizza and Jason met us there and ate.  Lots of fun by the water and walking toward the geese, who promptly went into the lake.  And there were a lot of them.  On the way back to down town we stopped at a half arc monkey bars.  Then to the old creamery, then to the store with a sign that said fill a box for $4.  It was the junk in the back room of the store, but boy did we have a lot of fun searching and filling the box.  Even got 2 swimming suits for E&B.  To the wellness center.  Kids ran the track, played dodge ball, and clean your room.  Next to the elementary playground.   Back to Mandy's about 4 for PBJ sandwiched and to put on swimming suites.  Jason met us at rec center for swimming.  Jan visited for a while with us before heading to the football game.  Cooks took kids for DQ while I got a few groceries.  Then home.  Denny called from home. He is sick.  Needs Nyquill.  Had a fever of 102 and the chilles.   He said the medicine helped.  Wonderful day ... except the part of Denny being sick.  Said he came down with it after doing chores and just couldn't get warm.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Parent teacher conferences

Could have worn jeans, but would have had to bring extra clothes, so just wore regular clothes.  Never a dull moment at the RR.  After school, we took a look at the schedules for next semester.   Lynzie got flowers.  Only one parent came to PT tonight.  I joined some other teachers at the bowling alley.  Nice to listen to their visiting.  Missy and Phillip left for Omaha after showing Denny chores.  Kids and Denny were asleep when I got home.  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Haircut in Wall Lake

Couldn't get the weather when I checked it in bed.   At school ... regular day.   Never a dull moment.  The first hour class test started the day with a bang.   Lots of clothes to sort for Ind. Living.  Tried to call SC.  Test came out okay.  Made appointment for November 10.  Went to Wall Lake after school for a haircut.  Lots harvesting at Awana so many men gone.  I lead Sparkie game time.  It was pretty fun!!! They did better than I expected.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Long day PT conferences

Up to see great looking wood upstairs.  Some students gone from school. J D A K K   IEP meeting at 3:30.  Took too spicy soup  to school.  UFFTA!!  Parent teacher conferences 4 - 7:30.  Good to visit and get caught up on areas.  Denny is cleaning the kitchen floor.  Measuring guy coming on Thursday am.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Another short week ... long with PT conferences

Quick cup of coffee in sun room.  At school regular day, reset some IEp probe goals, met with Kathy at 3:45.  Then home.  Met Denny on his way to Carroll with cash purchases of furniture for our bedroom and sunroom.  I made soup for PT conferences to share.  Denny got back about 8 and started cleansing wood upstairs.  He found that Dawn works wonders on grease/ dirt stains on woodwork.  I feel so lazy, but think I need to stay off my feet.  Lord, guide me.   Talked to Michaell S. About his mom, Amy and how she used to babysit for us.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Kids down the lane...

Denny put in all new bright lights last night after I went to bed.  Looks so much brighter upstairs. Gave a call and kids were running to the end of the lane.  So cute.  I think we will have donuts at Sparkies from now on.  We had crumbly one today and the first thing I did was drop one while handing it to Anabel.  UFFTA!  After church we had a bite and I took a nap.  Denny looked online for light fixtures for the living room.  We went outside and he put all my hog panels for flowers away.  So nice and he pulled the carpet into one big pile.  I tried to get out the electric fence posts and mark the dahlia roots.  Jensens came over and we looked at pigs.  I pulled one that was farrowing.  Still can do that :).  Went to Jensens and saw the Grands new clubhouse.  I blanched broccoli and Denny cleaned woodwork upstairs.  I made broccoli soup and squash.  Matt, Luke and Susan Bramwell ran the Des Moines half marathon.  Good day.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hunting for furniture

Bruce fixed us pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  It was so nice to stay with them.  We headed out to Omaha by 8:45.  At NFM we ordered a living room set.  Beige loveseat and sofa of kind of a microfiber material, 3 coffee tables, 2 lamps.  Plus got a brown lazy boy and 2 standing floor lamps.  Next to Trader Joes, Then to Carroll to Slumberland.  We didn't order anything, but we decided what we wanted for the sunroom.  (AND on the next day the sofa we want went on sale in the weekly ad. :) ).   At home Denny worked upstairs and I went to bed at 8.  Very tired.  I was asleep with the tv on when he came downstairs.