Friday, October 3, 2014

Temple Grandin in SC

Up and headed to SC by 7.  UFFTA  The plastic bumper kept dragging on the highway and I would stop and push it up, drive 20 miles, drag, stop and push it up.  Stopped 5 times before getting to  SC.  The Autism conference was great.  What an inspirations Temple and her mom are.
Ate at Panera with homeschool family.  After the conference I stopped and picked up 2 pairs of Denny's pants.  I got 2 pizzas (to share with Jensens) in IG before coming home.  It frosted during the night and the dahlias took a hit.   From green to brown ... Sad to see them go, they have been so pretty this year.  I called Keith to tell him and wish him Happy Birthday early.

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