Friday, October 31, 2014

Home school skating

Denny came home for lunch and to oversee new bedroom furniture delivery. Slumberland brought our new bedroom set. It is pretty high off the ground with drawers under the bed. After school I stopped by an apartment to find out home school phone number. The mom wasn't there. I bought sheets and blankets for new beds. (I got them at Shopko and they are not good quality sheets. The fluffy blanket sheds on the sheets and on the quilt. Really disappointed in them.) At 5:15 I headed to Arthur and watched Madeline while Jensens and Solazarnos went trick or treating. Maddie slept in her carseat and I went in Mary G.'s home and kept warm while kids and moms were trick or treating. At 7 when T or T was over I took Grands to Skate Palace for Home school skating. There was a great turnout ... lots of kids. We didn't stay until the end and missed the handing out of candy. I think they had enough from earlier and I was ready to get home.

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