Saturday, March 31, 2018

Family fun

We had a nice relaxing time at Savannah.  Amazing breakfast of bacon, pineapple, egg burritos. Basketball, Trampoline, Horse, Hunt for eggs,  Great meals.  10 of us with Jack.  Naps after lunch.  we dyed some hard boiled eggs, Before supper Jack wasn't feeling very well and he fell asleep on Denny's lap.  After supper Jack got the laughs from watching Torren fall over.  We all laughed.   We (and Karen, Rose, and Luke) watched KU lose.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Heading to Savannah

Denny said he slept well.  That's a good thing with 9 + hours of driving in front of him.  As we packed the car Cody, airbnb owner, stopped to visit for a while.  We were on our way by a little after 9. 
Taking interstate to Fort Worth ..."What would you do without these GPS boxes?????"
Going thru Fort Worth interchange ... Holy buckets, What would you do with out that box??
Oklahoma: a little after 11.
Kansas: at 2:45                     GPS box says 4 hours left.
Bathroom stop  Gas stop  Coffee stop  Bathroom  Coffee   Gas  Bathroom  Coffee   Gas   REPEAT...
plus snacks ... we finished off   ... fruit from last night .... Wrap sandwich from last night ... half a sleeve of Ritz crackers ... 2 small thermoses of coffee ... 4 cups of ice chunks ...  Gardetto rye garlic crisps ... 2 cups of coffee from gas stations, coffee and chai tea from dunking donuts,   2 and 1/2 half hours left to go.   UFFTA!!   AND we kept busy changing from his phone plugged into charger ... to my phone plugged into charger  ... Then his phone would drop below 10 percent so his phone would be plugged into the charger, then my phone would drop below 10 percent and it would get plugged in to the charger ...  ETC.

I am thinking we will get to Matt's about 7:15.    :)     10+ hours since we left.

OH, YES, One interesting item about airbnb.  The bathroom was off the kitchen.  Nothing interesting there, but ... The bathroom had a second door that opened into the animal pen.  When I opened the second bathroom door when we got to the airbnb 4 little goats, 2 miniature mules and 2 rather large dogs tried to enter.  I shut the door quickly.  Oh, yes, then when I decided a picture seated looking out the door with animal peeking in the door would be funny ... the animals were at the other side of the pen.  I had never really been able to open an outside door while seated, but it sure made me smile, even tho I did not get a picture of goats at the door.   

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Goodbye Brownsville!!

We had the last coffee on the deck for this season, got ready and were on the road by 9 am.  Kathy had left a "real" good going away present.  LOL   My wonderful husband went 10 miles off the route to visit a Texas flower farm.  I bought some yellow lilies.  We spent an extra 40-50 minutes looking at Arnosky blue barn and the flowers that grew around it.  Very cool.  Back on the road we did have to wait about 10 minutes for a road construction one way traffic.  I looked up Comfort Kitchen to Go, a restaurant that where we can stop and get some takeout before going to our airbnb.   The airbnb where we are staying is very nice, the supper was good, the bed is comfortable.  Hopefully Denny will get a great nights sleep.  He drove all the way so far. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Clean and Pack Pack and Clean

Almost last day on the deck.  We spent most of the morning just getting ready to leave.  We packed the car with little hassle and lots of stuff.  Then we spent quite a bit of the afternoon looking for an airbnb to stay tomorrow night.  :)   We are staying in Weatherford Texas at Wood's guest house.  Terri stopped to give us park directories.  We had bribed ourselves that if we got everything packed we would go out to eat.  Kathy and Bill joined us and we went to the Mexican place at the intersection of 48 and Minnesota.  Denny had left the bug fogger going, so we went to the hot tub for the last time this season.  We have had a really nice time down here.
Missy got to see K&L&R when she was in Minneapolis with high school friends. 
Lisa N. got married last weekend on the west coast.  She wore the same dress that her mother and grandmother wore for their weddings. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I slept well last night!!  That's a good thing.  Pickle ball at 8:30.  At 10 Kathy, Fay and I went shopping on Elizabeth Ave.  We had fun going in and out of dollar stores that had lots of crafts, plus shoe stores and past a lot of empty stores.  Also, there were hats and colored hair.  :)  At 2 the remaining park members gathered at the lower resaca.  We were to clean outo our refrigerators and bring "Scotta Go" food to share.  Plus, they grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and had ice cream around 4:30.  WAY too much good food.   Nice to sit and visit and chill.  I suppose 60-100 people.  It looked like a traffic jam.  While we were shopping Denny had sprayed the grill and deck, so when we got home from the resaca Denny and I scrubbed on the broiler grill pans and the burner grills.  Beautiful night to just be out on the deck.   Our days in Texas are numbered. 

Monday, March 26, 2018


Pickleball at 8:30.  Just 4 of us playing and it was still fun.  Tom, Jackie, Denny and me.  Home for a shower, we picked up Kathy and Bill and headed to Progresso, mostly to eat Mexican.  We ate at Arturos, it was very good.  We bought a few things Japonies, Mexican suckers, and I got a white blouse.  I napped on the way home.  Boy, I did not sleep well last night.  At 6 there was potluck.  In trying to empty the freezer I fixed seasoned pork roast and BBQ met balls.  13 of us at potluck.  Home to watch tv before heading to bed.  Another great day in the valley!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Supper and pastaleos on the deck.

Beautiful morning on the deck.  Kathy went with us to church.  Great service.  In the afternoon we took naps, then made guacamole and pico di gis.  About 5:30 Faye, Jerry, Bert, and Dan came over for supper on the deck.  Such a nice night and meal.  We watched TV on the deck thru the sunset.  NICE!!   Missy called on her way home from Minneapolis.  It sounds like they had a great time.  Pictures of supper bunch, $ for the Cherokee Trail, cute Jack, and 6 BCIGers.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Fun day.  The weather out on the deck was beautiful.  Coffee and donuts at 9.   Denny took the music/speakers/Alexa up to the community building and got music going to the dinner and work time.  85 people were signed up for Luau.  We had decorated yesterday, so now out volunteer bunch of 7 plus instructions from Mary Kay and Paul were put to work deviening 32+ pounds of shrimp, cutting red and yellow peppers and red onions and making 90 beef kabobs, cutting 5 fresh pineapple and making 90 Shrimp kabobs, peeling and coining 40 pounds of carrots and putting in 2 roasters with sauce, and making 2 roasters full of party potatoes.  Paul and Rosalinda made the amazing coconut cream pies.  WONDERFUL!!  Denny and Bill did all the grilling.  They grilled the beef kabobs about 3 pm and put them in a roaster, to keep warm until serving.  The shrimp kabobs were started 10 minutes before 5 and BBQed right before serving.  We met to fix food at noon.  The meal was at 5.  Clean up afterward and the dance started at 7.  It went until 10.  It was a fun long day!!
Mandy texted about making airbnb reservations for next October in Napa Valley with some college friends and spouses and was happy with the information Denny gave her.  

Friday, March 23, 2018

Afternoon at SPI

The morning was mild and calm on the deck.  Denny fixed sausage and eggs.  I dug up some canna bulbs to take back to Iowa.  At 10 we went to a Luau meeting where we decorated the hall for the party and heard what we needed to do to for the meal tomorrow.  When we got to the trailer we cleaned the floor because the bug man was coming this afternoon.  At 1 Kathy and Bill came and took up to South Padre Island.  Stopped at DeJuVu.  Just looked, then went to the beach.  We walked up to Palms Cafe on the Beach.  Back to the chairs to sit and watch the waves.  We took a 2 mile walk.  We ate a Joe's for supper.  We ended the evening on the deck.   It was windy and chilly.  Actually, it said it was 74 degrees, but the wind made it seem cold.  At home we watched at movie.  There was no school today so Missy took Brooks to Ames to spend the weekend with G'ma Laurie.  Then she got picked up along interstate 35 and headed to Minneapolis to spend time with Megan, Megan, Nicole, Teresa, and McKenzie.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Matamoros tour

Nice am on the deck.  Ten of us from the park left about 9 on a van ride tour of Brownsville/Matamoros.  Very informational.  We ate a Garcia's across the border.  At home we napped, went to the hot tub, Denny emailed, I went to play ponytail cards.  Watched a movie in bed.

What a great picture ... Wish they were here at a Texas beach!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Great coffee on the deck.  It was beautiful out this am.  I played pool at 9.  By myself.  42 shots to get all 15 balls in.  then 34, 28, 31,  It is good when you play your self you don't lose.  :)
I took canola oil back to Faye and visited with her and Bert.  Oh, My,  Denny came to join us, with Jerry and Dan.  At 5:30 Terry, Dan, Sherri and Dan came for supper.  Denny grilled hamburgers, and potatoes.  Good update from Kara tonight after Awana.  Thank you Jesus!!!
Thank you Stephen for serving our country.

early routine:

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Nothing, but wonderful, day

Up at 8, Pickle ball at 8:30.   At 10:30 shuffle board ... Now that morning is definitely retired!!!!!
I read in the sun for a couple of hours.  We went to Walmart to get closeup products.  Home to watch TV.  Uffta!!!  really a nothing, but wonderful,  day.   :)   Quite fun!!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!

I didn't sleep very well last night.  Coffee on deck was great!!  Pickle ball at 8:30.  Jackie, Luann, and I went to the movie, I can only Imagine.  It was really good.  Please go see it!!  At home we ate a bite and then I went to read in the sun.  There was a turtle that laid eggs between Joan's and our trailer.  We fixed salad with the remaining veggies in the refrigerator.  Potluck at 6.  Dessert on the deck with Kathy.   I went to ponytail about 8.  TV at home. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Day of Rest

Slept until 7:30 ... Coffee on deck ... 10 year anniversary at Christ Church of the Valley with lunch afterward ... Nap ... Face time with Jack ... Gail and Bruce left early today   :(   ...    Jensens at Atlantic E Free ...  Then to Choya and Steve's   ...  Trivia at 7 ...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St Pat's Day

Early am workout.  It was another great day in the valley.  It started with a sister phone call.  Breakfast at the community building.  Pickleball until after 11.  We picked up Kathy and Bill and went to the Donna-Weslaco flea market.  Denny was not looking forward to it, but at the end of the day he said he said he really enjoyed it.  We ate guacamole with B&K before getting ready for the St. Pat's dinner and dance.  In honor of the day we sampled the corned beef and cabbage that Bill had made before going the the park meal.  I took a 30 minute nap before the dance.  Lots of fun at the dance.  We stopped at Marilyn and Howie's to visit on the walk back to the trailer.

Friday, March 16, 2018

What day is it??

It was a nice Friday am.  I started to look thru the clothes I have.  Uffta!!! I should get rid of some  ... Many.   Denny washed the Prius.  I read around noon and talked to Kathy W.  At 2-5 the three sisters had an all gal get together.  Way too many good snacks.  Denny repaired 4 bike tires so next year we will be set to go.  Beautiful 85+ degrees here.   Hot tub, Swimming pool, bike around the park, and watch a netflicks on the deck.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Boca Chica

It was a beautiful morning out on the deck.  At 10 I went to women's connection prayer coffee.  About 12 women there.  I got home and made plans for going with Reals to BC at one.  It was rainy and gray, but it was a fun time at the beach.  Bill drove his jeep thru the sand dunes to the jetty north following Danny, then to the Rio Grand south.  Lots of laughing and food.  At home Denny and Bill sprayed off the Jeep, grilled hamburgers, and Kathy and I painted a bottle for a present. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Party noon and night

I set the table on the deck.   At 9 I went to play pool with 10 other ladies.  At 10 Gail and I took Nancy to the airport.  She forgot her cane/chair so I drove back to get it.  It is so nice to be just 10 minutes from the airport.  We took pictures before heading out.  It has been a great season down here in the Valley with family!!  Sorry to see it come to an end, but will be good to get back to seeing the Grands.  At noon, 11 other ladies came for lunch.  Jan, Mary Kay, Gail, Terri, Parkerette, Joan, Karen, Mert, French speaker, Fay and me.  Fay made pastileoes, so good.  There were lots of desserts.  Hurray!!   The gals left some of their desserts for ISU students. At 2:30 we went biking with Gail and Bruce thru neighborhoods.  When we got back I rode with Gail to Lupes for grapefruit and oranges.  I had ordered 6 pizzas and picked them up at 5:15.  I had warmed up the previous leftover spaghetti and shrimp boil veggies.  I cut up the banana bread.  Plus I added veggies to the salad that Mert left for the students.  20 hungry students came and finished all but 4 small pieces of bars.  Crazy!  It was great to have them here.  They sat around a big long table/tables and ate and visited for a long time.   

ISU Cru crew