Friday, March 23, 2018

Afternoon at SPI

The morning was mild and calm on the deck.  Denny fixed sausage and eggs.  I dug up some canna bulbs to take back to Iowa.  At 10 we went to a Luau meeting where we decorated the hall for the party and heard what we needed to do to for the meal tomorrow.  When we got to the trailer we cleaned the floor because the bug man was coming this afternoon.  At 1 Kathy and Bill came and took up to South Padre Island.  Stopped at DeJuVu.  Just looked, then went to the beach.  We walked up to Palms Cafe on the Beach.  Back to the chairs to sit and watch the waves.  We took a 2 mile walk.  We ate a Joe's for supper.  We ended the evening on the deck.   It was windy and chilly.  Actually, it said it was 74 degrees, but the wind made it seem cold.  At home we watched at movie.  There was no school today so Missy took Brooks to Ames to spend the weekend with G'ma Laurie.  Then she got picked up along interstate 35 and headed to Minneapolis to spend time with Megan, Megan, Nicole, Teresa, and McKenzie.

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