Saturday, March 17, 2018

St Pat's Day

Early am workout.  It was another great day in the valley.  It started with a sister phone call.  Breakfast at the community building.  Pickleball until after 11.  We picked up Kathy and Bill and went to the Donna-Weslaco flea market.  Denny was not looking forward to it, but at the end of the day he said he said he really enjoyed it.  We ate guacamole with B&K before getting ready for the St. Pat's dinner and dance.  In honor of the day we sampled the corned beef and cabbage that Bill had made before going the the park meal.  I took a 30 minute nap before the dance.  Lots of fun at the dance.  We stopped at Marilyn and Howie's to visit on the walk back to the trailer.

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