Monday, March 5, 2018

20 really???

Coffee and breakfast with Denny on the deck.  Beautiful!!!    Pickleball at 8:30.  Bruce has a flat tire on bike so we went to Walmart for a tube, plus I got some seeds to plant.  After Denny fixed the bike we left about noon for a bike ride.  It was my first time riding along 802.  There was a lot of traffic, but I made it the 4 miles to the bike trails around resacas in neighborhoods.  Denny headed around and then to the battlefield trail.  I just kept going around the loops.  We met before heading back the 4 miles on 802.  Denny said it was painful riding behind me on the highway (I knew I was going slow), but I made it.  We stopped at C&C wings before home.  It was right on the way.  :)   So I biked a total of 20 miles, my longest bike ride ever I think.   Potluck and then I played ponytail.  Denny had started watched a movie on the deck, but wasn't finished watching the movie because he got phone calls from the kids.  So good to talk to them.
Movies with Denny on the deck.  It was beautiful with the pink city lights shining on the rasaca.

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