Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bike DJ 30 FJ 22

Pickle ball at 8:30.  As I was headed to First Baptist, Choya called and we visited.  Then I took cinnamon rolls over to the church where ISU Cru met.  When I got back to the trailer Denny was ready to bike.  He waited for me; we left about 11 and biked until 3.  It was cool enough that when I first started riding I was wanting a sweatshirt, but by the end of the ride it was just right temp.  Nice day for riding.  After the ride we went out on the deck.  I asked Nancy to join us after her nap and I called Kathy and Bill to stop over, too.  They came and we visited for a couple of hours.  Nice time.  Denny grilled fish for supper.  Nancy and I played Ticket to Ride with Gail and Bruce before going home to watch TV  'cause you know  .... This is Us is on.   We got the video with Rose's first steps.  So fun to watch her walk to Dada to give him a hug.  Even more fun to watch Karen and Luke and their celebration.
                              ISU Campus Crusade for Christ  2018  (Nathan is wearing the hat.)

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