Thursday, November 7, 2019


Up for devotions.  Great way to start a day.  I headed to IG to go to Doses.  I bought a suitcase and when I got home I started to roll and pack some of the clothes that I  plan to take to Texas.  Then I went to the rec center and used a punch card to go swimming.  I swam a little over and hour (about a mile.)  Makes me pretty happy.  Denny was home and had made a couple good calls,   He made an appointment with Jorgenson hearing in Storm Lake.  Curt called and had about a 2 hour job for Denny.  Hope fully it will work out well.  He left to start the job: going to the shop, taking the fuel tank  to Wanda's, filling the fuel tank, taking the tank to the shop, taking a truck to get a wagon at Merle' bring the wagon to the shop and hopefully get back to his pickup to drive to Storm Lake by 3:30.   I headed to study at Ginny's around 1:30.

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