Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thursday November 14

Well, I am on this weight challenge and so I know my body will not lose weight unless I workout, so for the next 2 weeks my body may be startled because I am going to try and exercise.  I went to Jenn's AM mix, then as long as I was at the rec center I swam 1 miles.  Now that takes over an hour ... just in time for Dose's to get open.  At Doses I found a candle and a figurine I can share with Renea whose brother died in a hunting accident on Monday.  I went home, took a nap and got up at 1:30 to head into study.  Denny reminded me that study time had changed from 2 to 1:30.  UFFTA!!  Well, better late than never.  Denny headed out to cut trees in the terraces.   After study I went to the rec center and went about an hour on the elliptical.  I had planned to take my yoga pants and go to the weight class at 5, but in the hurry of leaving I forgot them.  At home Denny has been working on revising the Awana manual.  Tomorrow I weigh in.  Uffta!!

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