Monday, February 15, 2021

Went to a show

cold, Cold, COLD!!!   I stayed in bed until the electricity came on and then for another hour so the water heater had time to heat the water for my shower.  That was a little strange, but doable, I just stay snuggled in and ignored the knocking at the door.  The electricity was off from 2 am until noon.  At 2:30 we picked up Reals and went to a show at the mall theater that Keith and Gail organized for 4 Seasons park.  There were about 25 of us there for the movie News of the World with Tom Hanks.  Nice time.   Bruce and Reals came over for soup and kettle bread for supper.  I finished coloring calendar for IFing in the year 2020 and start of 202.  Watched tv in bed.  Nice COLD day ... 23 degrees, (but NOT NEGATIVE 23 like it was in Ida Grove this am).  So it was a good day in the valley... relatively.  

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