Saturday, March 19, 2022

Brownsville historical association

 Up at 4:30 to see Henderson’s off.  It was a great season with them!!! Then to hall to watch Fay and Jerry in the 2butt hall kitchen. They work magic making breakfast until 7:30-9.  I played pickle ball til 10 and then went to church to get a lawn chair.  We rode with Gary and Eilene to the BHA gathering. Also Dan & Roberta, Leann & Mark, Karen& Royal, Sharon& Ron. It was perfect weather. good music to listen and dance to, good  chatter around the table and fun to tour the 1860's farm house.   Karen's brother Mark got married this afternoon in Des Moines. Haley sent a few pictures/videos.  That looks like a fun day!  The best part of the day was when we talked with Missy, Evan, Anabel and Brooks for 2 hours before heading to bed.  

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