Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Happy birthday, Jason!!!

Jason, we are so thankful to have you in our family.  May your birthday be fun!  May you look to God in all you do.  I love the joy you show when you are loving on Mandy and your boys!!!

Space X tour                                                                                                                                                           I had pretty much loaded the snacks to eat after the tour, so we were ready to ride with Sandy and Bill at 7 am.   There were about 50 of us from 4 Seaons that took the tour.  We got to Rocket Ranch and rode a school bus on the tour at 8.  It was good, just lead by regular guy who was very passionate about space travel.  In retrospect he was using tours to fund his choice to buy some land that is available to watch launchings.  @ $150-$5,000 dollars a person.  If environmental evaluations fail, Elon is out and he is out.  He said the road to Boca Chica was closed for the day, so we (Sandy, Bill, Jean, Bob) ate our snacks along the Rio Grand at Rocket Ranch on the lawn chairs we packed. After we got home I went to the pool, then napped,  I listened to the book Double Minds, then Denny and I watched a couple movies. 

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