Thursday, March 24, 2022

Port of Brownsville tour cancelled

 Denny was up early.  7:30.  Breakfast and on the way to SPI.  There was an accident on the bridge and traffic was backed up.  When we got to the boat ramp we found out our tour had been postponed until to tomorrow.  We went with 20 others from the park to a breakfast place on the island.  We stopped at a couple places before going to the beach for 1-2 hours.  It was so nice and relaxing.  I listened to Fall of the giants.  31 hours long and 14 hours left.  Denny stopped to get some repair for Nancy's car top.  At home we chilled, showered and then went down to the "Going away" get together at the pool.  The broccoli casserole I made got dropped, luckily nothing broke. Nice day.  

I am so thankful that Caring Bridge once again let me view Matt's posts.  Thanks, Mary Jo!!!  I didn't know what I did wrong.  You are in our thoughts and prayers. 

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