Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Up, devo, coffee, make party potatoes, unload/load dishwasher, back to bed.  Church at 10. God Citing:  Kellie and Steve are listing their home in Brownsville to sell.  They had 2 showings and as Kellie prayed that they would get a cash offer.  As she was praying a phone call came and Steve answered it and they got a cash offer.  PTL!!  After church we went to Walmart.  At home I listened to Libby  .... American Dirt.  After a while Denny put on the Kansas BB game.  Wow what a second half!  I went out to the deck to listen to the book.  Denny came out and .... YES there was an alligator on the turtle board.  Now that was a cause for me to get upset.  Really don't like!!!

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