Thursday, April 28, 2022

Atlantic time

I left home about 6:00 after coffee and devo.  Bruce was substituting and Gail and I spent the day together.    We went to the garage sale at her church.  I bought 2 stools that spun, a rocker, and a coat rack, plus a lot of other stuff.  Then we looked at the stores downtown.  We ate Mexican and then went to play pickleball from 1-3 at the Y.  At church we packed up the leftovers.  I headed home about 4:30 with a full car.  Denny has been driving tractor for Larsons all day.  It was a super day.  Jean was sick and so she couldn't make it.   Of the snap dragons that I planted, probably 7-10 out of 36 are alive.  

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