Sunday, April 24, 2022

lunch after church

Up, Devo, Bake dessert, Roast potatoes.  We picked up KJ and went to SS.  After church Darlene and Al, Pastor, Melissa, Grace, Esther, and Kj came for lunch.  It was really nice to have them.  Smoked pork, roasted potatoes, tossed salad, Iowa corn, onion buns, and cherry dessert.  Al and Darlene took at tour of bunkhouse before they left.  Naps and l listened to the book.  We watched This is Us.  Randall's speech about how life just speeds up the older we get.  (But God's blessing) is special and not so special moments that we savor with those around us that we love.   I get this moment with you forever now.  All that we have is a forever now.  Second to last This is Us.  

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