Friday, April 8, 2022

Denny fishing

Up at 6:45  reheated coffee, devo, move plants into sun, move cushions into shed, Denny up.  He left for fishing at 10 with Danny J. and Jon.  I took a quick nap before picking up Kathy and heading to SPI.  We had a fun time shopping and looking at 3 expensive stores, 2 thrift stores, and Tuesday Morning.  We headed to the beach for almost 3 hours.  I listened to my Libby book, napped and sat and watched the waves.  We stopped for Church's Chicken to eat on our deck.  I had extra limeade mixed and so we invited Leeann and the 3 sisters for deck time at sunset.  Denny's group didn't keep any fish, ate a lot, and storied.   

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