Thursday, February 1, 2024

Merle and Bev arrive!!

Up for PB at 9:20.  Denny fixed breakfast on the deck.  I visited the office, Fay, Judy- to check on Fun week meal for boys, Julie, Kay's daughter, Joan, Gail and I worked on the ladies' pool   I read and napped.  Schrums invited us down around 3.  Merle and Bev got here around 5:30.  Bruce went to Church's chicken and brought home supper.  We had Nancy, Denny, me, Jean, Arlen, Bruce N., Gail, Bruce, Fay, Jerry, Joyce, Brad, Meg, Sandy,Bill.  Nice bunch!  Great meal, Good visiting. We found out that my cousin, Jim died on Sunday.  Lord, be with his family also.  

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