Wednesday, February 28, 2024

That will be enough now.....

That was Merle's rendition on what Mom said when Merle, Craig, and a couple others were in a heated discussion of politics.  "That will be enough now."  Then silence ... The boys were silent.  Mom had  spoken....  The boys were silent.   "That will be enough now."

I played a couple games of PB at 8.  Then I came home to work on BSF.  Great News!!! Nancy got a check for the Toyota.  AND she got a phone call that said the money the she got scammed earlier last fall IS RETURNED!!!! Hallelujah!!!  Now she is having fun trying to decide who to take to Joe's Oyster Bar. Denny and Arlen were in charge of horse races at 3.  Home.  Nancy went to play Joker.  


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