Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday December 28 11854

I came down to the Internet access building early to get caught up on the blog. At 8 am Gail and I left for Gold's gym where we went to a yoga class. The instructor came to the back row where we were and pushed on our backs while we were in some kind on frog position ... excruciating pain. When she pushed on me she said something about ... very tight ... relax. Sure, I'll try harder next time. Last night we tried to talk Maynard into joining us , but no luck. He did say he did yoga with the PX90 workouts some days after school. Gail showed Maynard some of the yoga moves they do in class, but he still wasn't interested. Imagine that, he didn't want to join his 2 prime examples of yoga form in a class filled with old winter Texans. We met the guys after yoga so Gail could golf with them. I shopped at the mall for a while and got a shirt for Denny, then went home. Mostly this afternoon Nancy and I have just "putzed" around. At 5 there was a 50th anniversary party that we were invited to at the clubhouse. We talked about going to a show after the clubhouse get together, but decided to stay and play games in the trailer. We're getting pretty good at Wits and Wagers, Ticket to Ride, but didn't get Mexican Trains figured out. The gals went to the hot tub and Bruce joined us before going to bed. Another great day in the valley.

Monday December 27

I started reading about 5 am in bed. By the way, I love the headlight that I got from the Dubuque gift exchange. I used it in the back of Bruce's car to read and I have been using it to read in bed. Beware Denny!! It may be a part of my arsenal on my side of our bed when I get home. At least Nancy said it didn't bother her when I read in bed with the head light. (Of course I wasn't rolling around in the same bed with her.) About 7 am I headed to Wal-Mart and got groceries to make food for the potluck. I made way too much cavatinni and they will eat for several meals. The pool cover was on so no water exercise today. We did go and look at a sofa and love seat, but it wasn't something we were interested in. I finished reading the text book and we sat out on the deck for a while just to celebrate! Gotta love those sisters! Thanks Beth for the hand painted glasses. Bruce got the stuff to fix the leaking stool in the front bathroom. YEA! About 5:30 we headed up to potluck. My, have we been eating well! We talked about going to a movie, but decided just to stay in the park and play Ticket, W&W, Carcazoni and go to the hot tub. Another great day in the Valley.

Sunday December 26

Church at 8:30. Then we went with Nancy and Mike (Jewel, Ia.) to the Cafe on the Beach for breakfast. It was very nice. As you head north on South Padre Island turn right at Whattaburger and drive to the ocean. It is a motel and cafe. There were 3 heaters in the eating area, and they provided blankets. I took a blanket for my legs. There was plastic around the dining area screen windows, so you could kind of see the beach while you ate. It will really be nice when it is a little warmer. When we got home the guys went golfing. Nancy, Gail and I went to the 77 Flea Market. I got some fruit and jicama. And a $5 Columbia coat. We stopped at Target and I got the game Wits and Wagers that Mandy had said was fun. Later that afternoon Gail and I walked to Wal-Mart and got some red plastic dishes. (So we can have red dishes {not zoo animal dishes}for Christmas and Valentine's day. Of course what we got was on sale.) When we got back we played W&W AND went to the hot tub. Nice day in the Valley.

Saturday December 25

Bruce was up early to fix pancakes before the 8:30 Christmas service in Port Isabel. Bruce, Maynard and I ate and went back to bed. I have a start on reading the text book for the Morningside class I am taking. When they came back, we fixed food for the Christmas dinner at the community building. At 1 pm the park served turkey and everyone brought side dishes. There were 4 tables put together and decorated to seat about 16 people. Great meal. Bruce, Maynard and Gail played golf in the afternoon. When they got back we tried to play Mexican Train, but couldn't figure out the directions. Too chilly for the hot tub tonight. It was a frigid 64 degrees.

Friday December 24

Did I say that Thursday we had a lot of fun at the pool? The kids love to get wet. Little Brooks just sat and watched and smiled. What nice Grands! Friday am I was up early to make biscuits and gravy and finish packing. We left about 7 am for Texas. It was snowy and cold as we left the farm. Bruce drove in the bad weather. Then in Kansas Maynard drove in the turnpike. I drove. Bruce drove in the rainy weather, I drove, Opps, I missed a speed limit sign, and got stopped for a speed warning. Bruce drove the last leg. We got to Brownsville about 3:30 am. It took a while to find Four Seasons. There is a lot of road work being done. Nancy and Hendersons had places ready for us to sleep. We only stopped for gas, otherwise it was hit the road. (Oh yes, and to visit the high way patrol man. Merry Christmas Faith. That was a nice gift.) Glad to make it safe and sound.

Thurs December 23

The Grands came down for honey nut Cheerios. Missy went to IG about 7 for a MRI on her back. It has been bothering her since she moved here in September. Now is a good time to get it checked with most of the deductible met for the year. Grandpa got ready for work. Grands played down in our apartment until 9. Then we headed to GGNys with the shirts and great news. We were at the rec center by 10:40 and stayed until 12:30. I love to watch the kids in the pool while the parents exercise. Matt ran the trail. Lunch at the church with Denny. Cavatini and cottage cheese and GGny's cookies. AND lots of running around the Awana circle. AND spinning around from Uncle Matt. Home for naps, I didn't get one until 4:00. I lay down for about 15 minutes and was happy to hear Luke and Karen come in. YEA! Matt went to pick up Mandy. She had left (after working 3 - 12 hour 7-7am shifts) with Durel C. about 9:00 am Iowa time and was in Kiron about 6 pm. Bruce and Maynard came about the same time. They left Decorah after lunch. The Grands were eating mac and cheese in the Jensen home, so the Newhouses got a tour of the Jensen home before going down to our apartment. GGny and GGpa came down to the basement to watch all the activity. Denny had fixed Zuppa soup for supper. I made fresh rolls and Becky got whipping cream and the little ones made fresh butter in chilled baby food jars. We had not gotten down any of the Christmas decorations, so we used Missy's stockings for the Grands. It was fun to watch all the activity of 2-7 year olds. Many nice gifts. Thanks to everyone.

Wed. December 22

Last day of the quarter ... It is hard to believe that ... it has gone so fast. I gave tests to English, Health, and Social skills. There were gifts at my desk. I had thought we didn't exchange gifts, because we put $ toward Angel Tree gifts early this month. Lorraine had made fleece lap blankets. Melanie gave towel angels and pop can Santas. Donna gave all the staff 3 tubes of lotion. I just received gifts and didn't give any. After school was dismissed at 2;30 we finally sat down and assigned classes for next semester. I have and English/reading class with KC LK and AL. then math with KC, then 5 students in an Independent Living class, then CB with math, then a planning, then 3 students in World History, JR, JA and CB. I work in a study hall helping students at the end of the day. Now I need to decide WHAT books to take to Texas to make lesson plans for the next semester. At 4, I headed home and followed Matt and Becky down 300th street. They were just getting to the farm. The timing was great! After they got unpacked Haley and Torren took off their sweat shirts. New T shirts stated "I am the big sister" "I am the big brother." What great news!! New Missouri Johnson on June 29!!! (How could I NOT have gotten a picture of them?) We ate sliced ham, tossed salad, and cottage cheese for supper. The Grands play so well together. Nice to visit with Matt and Becky in our home. Mandy will be home tomorrow, too. This picture is from her Thanksgiving visit.

Tuesday December 21

A&E went with me to GGny's. First day of semester tests. Nicole got flowers at school. It made her day. They were gorgeous. Vicki bought pizza for us for lunch. Melanie brought 2 types of pie from Foodpride. We have not found out what classes we are teaching next semester. Bruce N. called to check on if I wanted to ride with Maynard and him when they drive down to Brownsville. If the book for my class at Morningside comes (so I can read it while I'm in Texas), I think I will go with them. I came home right after school to wrap presents. The book for my Morningside class came UPS ... so the plan is to go to Texas with Bruce and Maynard. Maynard's sisters are not coming for Christmas Eve so M&B are coming to our place Thursday. We'll leave Friday morning for Texas.

Monday December 20

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MATT AND BECKY!! You have brought us a lot of joy these past years. Last week of the semester. After school I headed to Wall Lake to get a haircut. Then back to Arthur. Denny and I had a hamburger at the cafe, then back to the bank to work. I took the Awana store items to the church. At 6:45 I went to the Christmas concert at the high school. I sat by Emily. We won a pizza because we had listed the 21 Christmas songs played in 2 minutes by the band. I called Denny on the way home from town. He was still at the bank.

Sunday December 19

A&E went with me for donuts before SS practice. Denny dropped us off and then he went to get the Stangls. I helped with the 2-4 years old's class for practice. There were 19 children. What a cute active bunch. There was practice after church, too. Cutest happening was that after practicing a long time all of the sudden Gavin seemed to get the dry heaves and his mom Ranae grabbed him and did a 50 yard dash out the back of the church to the RR. She asked him, how he felt, "Was he sick?" He said, "Ya, I think I'm sick of singing." Perhaps the practice was a little too long. We ate lunch with the Jensens in the sunroom. Laurie and Alan slept down in our apartment with us the two nights they were here. It was great to have them. They leave in January for a missions trip to India.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sat December 18

I headed to Carroll to go to WW and shop. Denny worked in Odebolt until 11:30, then joined me. We met at WalMart and bought groceries. I ordered some Chinese take out for supper and we ate lunch at McDonalds. I have passed the Morningside class. AND the Buena Vista Class. Now that's a praise. When we got home I went to have my saved potatoes from last night, but Denny had already eaten them. I guess anything in the refrigerator is free game. When Mandy was home over Thanksgiving we spent some time visiting GGny. Take a look at Anabel eyeing GGpa.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 17 11649

Little A went to the folks with me this am. So cute, She came down with her boots, coat and little hat on. I registered for 2 Morningside classes before heading to the folks. Denny helped me order a book for the class. I took J&L to the dose garage sale for social skills class. After school I went back and got $ of treasures for the Awana store. At 5, 7 of us from the resource room ate supper at the Inn in Battle Creek. (Vicki, Lorraine, Donna, Sherry, Trudi, Melanie, and myself ) It was so pretty there with the Christmas decorations. Nicki G. was our waitress. The food was great, especially the potatoes, I took some home in a doggie bag to have tomorrow. When I came home at 8 pm the Jensen family was at the farm for their Christmas get- together. Denny helped me carry in Awana stuff and mark the items.This picture is from a FUN time at the water park in Dubuque. It was great to watch the Grands there.

Thursday December 16

Coffee at folks, (Anabel had a chemo treatment on Tuesday.) When I left their house I got stuck in the snow and had to shovel out. I thankfully could get the Malibu moving so I went right home, exchanged cars, and drove the pickup to school. After school I went to Arthur. The plan that night was to go to the coop. Denny started a fire, but instead we just stayed in the warm, snuggly, basement and talked.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday Dec. 15

PX90 wit MJ Coffee at folks with little Anabel After school I took Matt and Michael out to the farm. Missy had made 8 doz cinn rolls today. Awana store night. I think I need to be registering for spring classes. There is more technology involved, I am quite out of my comfort zone. (Welcome to the real world, Faith.) I may as well steal pictures from lots of people. Thanks. Carol G.

Tuesday December 14

px90 with MJ Coffee with folks. After school I stayed and watched the JV and V girl's basketball game. The V is a scrappy team. Fun to watch them play. Denny had trouble with online ordering. Matt accused be of pirating pictures from his blog. So I better steal some pictures from Missy's blog, too.

WHAT?!?! You are feeding yourself at 7 months!?!?

Umm, I don't think so.
Who gave you your bowl and spoon???
I wonder.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday Dcember 13

P90 with MJ, Coffee at folks, DD IEP, AFter school went to Arthur, $1 burgers at cafe, Then to Danielle's for Bible Study. Home about 8:30. To bed. NO LIFE to speak of. Now Mandy is the one who is loving her life. Nice pix of her and Brandon.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday December 12 11418

No church or SS too cold and blowy. We lite the Jensen advent wreath with verses and guitar singing, very neat morning. Denny and Phillip talked pigs. I'm just starting to feel like college classwork is done for a while. Whew. We had 4 pm church annual meeting, and soup/sandwich supper afterwards. Now it's time for bed. Had to include a picture of Torren and his cake. Gotta love that little guy!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Dec. 11

Stopped at folks for a short visit before heading to Denison for my class. I called Jean on the way down. Blizzard is forecast. We had class from 8:30- 10:30. Then left because of the weather. It was icky driving home. So glad I made home. I should feel relieved ... 7 credits are done this semester. There is nothing I can add or subtract to the class work. BUT I'm not quite to the relieved point. In fact, I read my niece's face book a little while ago and it stressed me out just to hear how much more Becca had to do before she gets her Master's this spring. (And she's looking at it like she is almost done.) Rick Warren's daily devotional was really good on Friday. "Even when I am afraid, I keep trusting you." That kinda sums up my life since starting teaching this fall. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Friday December 10

Mom's birthday. Miss you, Mom. After school I came home to work on Sat. class. Denny brought E&A home from visiting Remers while Missy and Phillip went to Carroll shopping. He also got pizza at Arthur and so we ate pizza in bed while we watched a Family Feature film, Willie The Sparrow. I was tired. UBI had open houses today.

Thurs Dec. 9, 2010

Coffee at folks. I had an IEP training meeting from 1-3 at the rec center. Denise F. covered my classes. Then home to work on Sat. class. At night Denny and I went to the coop to visit. The pix is of me and my sisters in Dubuque.

Wed. December 8

Coffee at folks before school. After school I brought Matt and Michael to work with Phillip. I stayed and worked on Sat. Class. Then headed to Arthur for a shortened girl's game time. There was a light up your leader contest the last 15 minutes of the night. I took Lauren, Matt, Michael and Evan home. At the hotel last week the Newhouse get together was on the event screen. That might be the only way we get our name in lights.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday Dec. 7

After school I came home and joined Mandy on her bed for a quick snooze. At 6 there was the December Christmas motorcycle meeting. We had a great time with the 99 county courthouse challenge this year. Denny made it to 87 counties, I was with him on about 60 of them. 2 couples made it to all 99 counties. I came home to spend time with my girls before Mandy leaves and heads back to Denver on Wed.

Monday December 6

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORREN!! We are so thankful that you are our grandson, Hope you have a great day. After school I came home to work on an assignment. We ate turkey casserole with Mandy and Jensens. Mandy and Missy had walked the trail.

Sunday December 5

Matt and Keith ran before breakfast. Then we ate together and the Missouri Johnsons headed south for a 7 hour drive and Jensens and Grandpa headed to water park for one more splash. We got home about 4.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sat. December 4

I took kids about 6 am so parents could go back to bed. We watched the Mighty Mississippi from our bedroom window. We ate honey nut cheerios in the hall way. Then at 8 am the game room opened up and they "played" the machines. (Don't tell them that money makes them actually move.) The rest of the day was a wonderful blur. So good to see my nephews and nieces... and some with families. The water park was handy and was enjoyed.

Friday December 3

Happy birthday all November and December Birthdays. Denny and I left for Dubuque by 4:15. Great traveling weather- until 1 hour from Dubuque- Then it took 2 hours. The Prius just slid along. OOHHH it was touch and go. BUT we made it there. Thank you Jesus!. There were 48 of us there. Mandy had left with Jensens, They stopped to visit friends froom Parkersburg. Matt and Becky made the 7 hour drive, Luke stayed in Burlington until Sat am, then he and Karen came .

Thursday December 2

Coffee at folks- After school I finished submitting assignments for my Ed 261 class. 1 research paper worth 30 points- 1 reflection worth 10 points- another reflection worth 10 points- 3 responses worth 2 points each. UFFTA! I think I'm all done with that class. Looking for ward to a splash of a good time this weekend in Dubuque at Grand Harbor Hotel and water park. All my brothers and sisters will be there. Plus all my kids.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wed. Dec. 1

Coffee at folks in am. Early out for professional development. Phillip came and got Matt to help in the barn. Lauren came to youth group. I worked on class at church, then took them home. Kid's coffee at ggny's is good to the last drop.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tues Nov. 30

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANCY, BEN, AND GAVIN!! This morning Mandy went with Anabel and Howard for another chemo treatmen t in SC. Last night on the way to SC I set up a time to re-meet with JC. Pray it goes well. After school I went to the bank and worked until Denny was ready to come home. The Jensens were decorating their tree. Evan offered us tea afterward. Weak tea, milk and sugar. Pretty special. (Missy said E&A were up that night because of tea at 8 pm. So it wasn't that special. :) ) These kiddos are the 7 great grands of Howard and Anabel.

Monday Nov. 29

Exercise with Missy at 5:45. IEP at 2pm with CB. It sounded like a storm was coming. Then the forecast changed so girls and I could go to SC. I went to WW, Saw 3 home school familes, got bread at the bread store. Mandy drove. She had taken Brandon to catch the plane this morning. He flew out at 7 am. We got a few things at the GW store. Nice time with my daughters. Wish I wasn't so stressed about teaching and my classes. I am so thankful for Missy and Mandy. AND Phillip and Denny because they watched the kids while we were gone.

Sunday Nov. 28

Donuts before SS. Denny was in the nursery for me during SS. On Friday at the rec center we had a great time. There was a lot of splashing. And one nice little guy sitting in the stroller watching all the action. After church on Sunday we and the Jensen's went to Warnke's to get a Christmas tree. There had great trees! It was hard to pick one, but we did get the best tree. Mandy and Brandon went to Denison to watch Packers game. Prayer time at 6.