Last day of the quarter ... It is hard to believe that ... it has gone so fast. I gave tests to English, Health, and Social skills. There were gifts at my desk. I had thought we didn't exchange gifts, because we put $ toward Angel Tree gifts early this month. Lorraine had made fleece lap blankets. Melanie gave towel angels and pop can Santas. Donna gave all the staff 3 tubes of lotion. I just received gifts and didn't give any. After school was dismissed at 2;30 we finally sat down and assigned classes for next semester. I have and English/reading class with KC LK and AL. then math with KC, then 5 students in an Independent Living class, then CB with math, then a planning, then 3 students in World History, JR, JA and CB. I work in a study hall helping students at the end of the day. Now I need to decide WHAT books to take to Texas to make lesson plans for the next semester. At 4, I headed home and followed Matt and Becky down 300th street. They were just getting to the farm. The timing was great! After they got unpacked Haley and Torren took off their sweat shirts. New T shirts stated "I am the big sister" "I am the big brother." What great news!! New Missouri Johnson on June 29!!! (How could I NOT have gotten a picture of them?) We ate sliced ham, tossed salad, and cottage cheese for supper. The Grands play so well together. Nice to visit with Matt and Becky in our home. Mandy will be home tomorrow, too. This picture is from her Thanksgiving visit.
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