Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monday August 1

Dad would have been 99 today. He died 11 years ago and he is still an important part of my life. Ran 4 miles today then to folks for a quick visit before I headed to Carroll to get the Prius serviced. They replaced front left bearing in wheel. 8:30 am until 12:15. I drove to Atlantic. Took a nap at Gails and did a little project there. At 5, I headed to meet Matt and Haley and Torren in Clarinda. I got a few groceries and at 7:15 I was heading home again with precious passengers. Got home about 10. Happy to make the trip. Great to have the grands on the farm for a couple days. They came with lists of things they would like to do. I think we will check them off. See blogs to follow.

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