Tri for the cure. Up at 4. Left Mandys place at 5. Drove to Cherry Creek Reservior lots of people there. I was in Wave 5 starting time... 7:16 am. 125 women 50-65 years old. I finished in 2 hours 45 seconds. 52 gals in my age division. I finished 22. Swim time 20 minutes 45 seconds for half mile. Bike time 52 minutes for 11.6 miles. Run time 39 minutes for 3.1 miles. Quite a positive experience. M&M finished in 1 hour 36 minutes.
We were about the last to leave. Missy and I waited in line for a massage. picked up subs. Home for naps. Showers, then at 5:30. We headed to store for food before jazz in the park. Great night met Amy Kevin and Sophie home and relax.
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