Up early and read a quarter of the pages of my grad class book through out the day. (112 done 412 total). I saw Pebbles get in to a wren house (BOO) and a doe and two speckled fawns (YEA!) from my reading place in the coop this am. The 4 HS boys were out with Phillip. Luke and Karen came out. They had visted with Doses last night and stayed in town. After lunch we went to the folks and butchered chickens. It was quite an endeavor. Denny and Phillip fixed up the trailer that is pulled by the 4 wheeler to hold the grill for boiling water and a table made from 2x10's to pluck chickens and cut them up. Every one was there and watched. GGny used to butcher arouond 50 chickens a season.As we were about to leave Missy got stung by a wasp and her arm swelled up. We ate supper of BLTs and some chicken that Luke grilled on the deck. ch
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