Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tuesday May 29

We went to GGpa's in am. I had the grands stay outside and asked Howard to join us. GGpa got a kick out of Evan with his wooden stick gun. Then after a while Evan found a shot gun shell that he encorporated into the wooden pistol. It was pretty cute. We headed to Odebolt, Arthur, and IG to deliver greens to sharecroppers. Missy made the comment that it is pretty labor intensive and the season has not even started yet. I watched kids at parks while Missy did errands, Then we went to the library and school playground while Missy and Mandy swam laps. At night Mandy and I went into IG for going away party for Emily. We ate at the new Mexican place and then went to Lynn's for ice cream. We will miss Emily. Nice bunch of gals.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday May 28

Kinda lazy am. I left about 9:30 to meet Missouri Johnsons between Atlantic and Clarinda. We met a church yard for a quick stretch and then I took the 2 oldest and headed north. Before we went to the farm we stopped at GGpa's. Then home to play with other grands. I think we ate supper out in the coop, but I can't remember what we had.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday May 27

Denny and I headed to Decorah about 8 am. I put these pictures on the blog so I could copy and paste them on a Publisher document and print off a page of pictures for Maynard. We stopped at Subway in Decorah and then drove to the gym for the graduation ceremony. As we walked in with crutches and a boot the greeter said we could sit down on the floor and not on the bleachers. We asked where Bruce was sitting and we sat down by him. Maynard looked pretty happy to be graduating. After the ceremony I visited with Hovdens and Lynee K. Barb had the graduation reception at her home. She had a lot of great food. Good to see her four daughters. We headed for home about 7 pm. and got home about 11.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Saturday May 26 Mom and Dad's anniversary

Slow am. Mandy stopped over after her workout and before heading to CCondo to sleep. Missy and I went over there to move furniture. Denny worked at Odebolt. I finished the 2 Summer school books today. At 4 I headed to HS graduation for Colin L. Then to Arthur and to Bergman's house for Kellie's graduation party. I think my back tooth was starting to hurt a little. Brenda and Kellie
New part of the family... possibly.
Maynard got 4th in 3A Iowa State Golf tournament. Decorah team got first.
gs Beautiful Flags in Ida Grove. Visited Ole Town Winery

Friday May 25

Up to get stuff to the car to pack. Nancy fixed a great breakfast again. Left about 6:10 for Ames.
Maynard's T off time was 12:50.
It was much fun to be his gallery. Nancy and I rented a golf cart. It was great to ride and sit and watch and eat the snacks that Nancy brought along. Great way to watch our nephew. He finished with a 35 the front nine and 39 the back nine. Total of 74... 3 over par. and second for the first day of state golf tournament. After day 1 of 2, the Decorah team finished first, 13 strokes a head of Harlan. At 6 Hendersons and I headed to Atlantic. Then I drove home. The carpet got put in Howard's basement today. Jensen's went to Ames to see GGrandma Lois and Grandpa Alan. He just got back from Napal.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday May 24.2012

Another busy day in the city. Madison, we really like you. We went to America's favorite flowers. Then to Discount vials. The to Ohbrecht Garden. Then lunch at Nancy's. I've been reading on 2 of my books from Summer school. Nan and I went to Trader Joes while Bruce, Gail and Todd played golf. We met Mryna and Dobbin and Betsy at a restaurant. Then to McNatts for dessert.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wednesday May 23, 2012

Up at 5. Left Atlantic at 6 for 6 hour ride to Madison Wisconsin with sister Gail and Brother in law Bruce to see sister Nancy. Picture is from Bruce's final girl's track banquet.
I read 2 books for Summer school classes. She had grilled steak sandwiches ready to eat. In afternoon we went to the art museum to see a great glass exihibition. We met Todd for Mexican food. Bruce had wanted to use a bike, but no easy sign up. After supper we came home here and played 25 words or less.
Denny made an appointment with Wendy, but Omaha doctor is on vacation until May 29. It could be a long painful wait. Susan called with 5 rose plants for me...Where can I put them so that they don't die. MIssy and Mandy spent much of today working on painting the Kountry Kondo basement.

Tuesday May 23

Let see... Denny didn't stop at Howards before work. I started wash and then headed to KK to paint. Beth was watching the Grands, Missy, Mandy and I painted from 9 until 3:30. Howard got us pizza to eat for lunch. At 4:30 I went to Atlantic. I was so tired I stopped in Harlan for a 20 minute nap before getting to Track awards banquet at 6:30. Bruce H. I reiting from 39 years of girl's track coach. It was a really nice ceremony. We took Marian home to new apartment. She was locked out. Finally got in and went to Henderson's condo. Then to Rumorsl for a quick stop. picutres are from Rasmussen graduation and Michael graduation party.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Denny!!! May 21, 2012

I love you Denny!!!! Lots of friends to sing Happy Birthday to you yesterday!!
Denny was pretty slow moving this am because he really hurt his ankle. He started using crutches yesterday afternoon when his ankle really starting hurting. I did a quick stop at Howard's. Mandy was working last night. I didn't know that. Then I headed to IG. There was a breakfast for teachers before checking out for the year. I made an appointment with Dr. because my sprained ankle from last Monday didn't seem to be healing. I had an x ray at hospital to confirm "Yes, it was broken." I got this gorgeous boot. to wear for 5 weeks. When I got home girls were painting in the Kountry Kondo. At 6 we went to Stangls for hamburgers and birthday cake. Such a great meal!! We also took a picture of the two of gimps. I'm suppose to sleep with this boot. Plus I can not run, bike or swim. Should be an interesting month.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday May 20, 2012

Denny hates the light I use to read in bed. I headed in to Ida rove to help Donna with graduation brunch for Erin. I picked up rolls at high school and took them to the country club. I left about 10:30 to go to church. Then back to help clean up. I shopped alittle before going to the graduation exercises. Missy and Phillip hosted a graduation party for Michael W. About 100 people came. It ran so smoothly. Great day. Saw lots of friends.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday May 19

Read a few pages of my ss class. Went swimming with my daughters. We made quite a wave in IG. Using goggles and swimming laps. Filled 5 bags of mulch at Hidden Acres. Stopped at Malcolms and got caulk and primer. At home Denny was changing the bearing on the Dixon. I worked on flower beds. and planting my now plants. It rained a little this am while we were swimming. Denny took Anabel and Brooks to Denison to get a Dixon part. 4 teens were out to help Prairie Whole. Michael stayed and helped clean the coop for tomorrow graduation reception. I went to Jeff G. and Jessica E. Denny had fixed hamburger on grill for Howard. At night we watched Dolphin Tale with Grands. Great day!!! Pictures from my birthday get together in St. Joe. 2007?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday May 18!!! Last day of school with kids!!!!

No one up to visit this am. Howard was taking his bath. Semester tests at school. I can't believe a second year is done. After school I went to get my hair cut. Then to Thistle down. I got a bunch of plants. Denny worked until 7. Missy was tickled because Wheels could help restore her computer. She didn't have to drive to Omaha. Mandy hung out with a friend in Mapleton yesterday. Today she was planning of riding the bike in the wind. Brownsville Zoo Pictures. I can not tell you how blessed we are to have family that lives close to us. What a great grace filled time with our family tonight on the deck. How can we be so fortunate? Thank you, Jesus. Life is not made up of the moments we breathe, but the moments that take our breath away.

Thursday May 17

I needed to be in IG by 7:30, so I didn't' stop at Howards this am. Three interviews for Lorraine's job. Started semester tests. We had a lunch for Lorraine. Great food. Lasagna, garlic bread, pasta salad, raspberry dessert. Lots of yum, I brought Bethany home after school. Denny took motorcycle on ride to BC nursing home then to eat in Holstein. I started to mow the lawn. It didn't sound right. Watched Dolphin tail with Jensens. Pictures are from 2005 Texas trip

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday May 16

Howard was still in bed this am. He said he had a hard time getting to sleep. I had a short visit with Mandy before heading to school. rain across the tracks kept many from bind at school on time. Some of us took the dusty round about that goes past Schau's and bypasses the RR tracks. Last day of regular classes. After school I went to Bomgaars. Dad bought a rototiller. Mandy and I swam at rec center. I made it a mile. Then home. Denny had grilled. We went to Howard's to measure for basement carpet. AT home I picked some peonies and Denny tilled. It is amazing what I find when I go to old pictures on the computer. I loved Anabel's birthday cakes...milk chocolate frosting on chocolate cake. We miss her so.

Tuesday May 15

Stopped at Howard's I think he was dressed,lying on the sofa. After school we had a short meeting with Kim about the three students that are coming to HS next year. Then I headed to SC for a home school meeting at 5:30. I made other stops: Earl May for some plants, Bomgaars for some plants, Quick walk through Goodwill. Then to Senior awards night where $206,000.00 worth of scholarship money was given to 67 seniors who filled out a 30 page application to the OABCIG Dollars for scholars. It is amazing!!! There are some super people in our community that support the students of our school. Praise the Lord!!