Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Denny!!! May 21, 2012

I love you Denny!!!! Lots of friends to sing Happy Birthday to you yesterday!!
Denny was pretty slow moving this am because he really hurt his ankle. He started using crutches yesterday afternoon when his ankle really starting hurting. I did a quick stop at Howard's. Mandy was working last night. I didn't know that. Then I headed to IG. There was a breakfast for teachers before checking out for the year. I made an appointment with Dr. because my sprained ankle from last Monday didn't seem to be healing. I had an x ray at hospital to confirm "Yes, it was broken." I got this gorgeous boot. to wear for 5 weeks. When I got home girls were painting in the Kountry Kondo. At 6 we went to Stangls for hamburgers and birthday cake. Such a great meal!! We also took a picture of the two of gimps. I'm suppose to sleep with this boot. Plus I can not run, bike or swim. Should be an interesting month.

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