Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday May 2

Happy Birthday Laura, I headed to hospital to see Howard before school. Mandy was getting off work, so I got to see her,too. She was headed to run the trail. I had two senior exit meetings starting at 8. D was back in careers class. After school I hurried home to mow the lawn. I was getting in the car to head to church when Missy noticed E%A pulling off the asparagus tips. SO we headed out to rescue the vegetables. I was late to the delicious meal fixed by CE board for SS teachers. AND I cut out early. When I got home Denny had just beat me. I set tables out in coop for Friday's FAC with resource room ladies. Then I planted some flowers and got glasses and silverware ready. The weather is so great. Great to have Ya Ya Aura here too. Phillip had boys out. They cut down the tree that fell down with the big wind last week. Roof repair men started their work.

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