Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Diane!!!!

Hope you have a great day Diane!! Sanity and Insanity. Got a phone call from both daughters today on the way to school. Great way to start the day. The sewer is fixed. There was a child's sock in it. We pushed the closet back. Denny and Phillip tilled the garden last night and it looks great. I picked some daffodils to take to school. We made a geode in science. After school I walked the trail with Vicki and Cathy. Then home. Brooks sat on the sleeping Keelie and the dog bit him right below the eye. They spent 5-9 in the ER waiting for the Doc to stitch him up. Denny went to get Anabel and Evan and bring them home. Such a great grandfather.

Monday, April 29, 2013

TAG night

Sanity and Insanity. Went to Howard's to shower. While I was at achool the plumbers came to clean out the line, luckily nothing major. We had thought it might need to be dug out for $$$$$$$. Senior exits in the afternoon. After school I walked the trail with Cathy. Then home to get Evan and Anabel. Off to Odebolt by 6:30 for TAG night. It was interesting to hear the 3-8th graders present their projects. We helped put up tables and chairs after the meeting.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Donuts wit Grands

Good to take Grands in am. After church we went home. The water is still backed up in the shower room. Kinda scared to the damage that might have to be done to get the water running. We took showers at Howard's.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

DO NOT wash your hair in the shower!! It's so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!!! IT INVOLVES THE SHAMPOO WHEN IT RUNS DOWN YOUR BODY WHEN YOU SHOWER WITH IT. WARNING TO US ALL!!! Shampoo Warning! I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME." No wonder I have been gaining weight! Well! I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn Dishwashing Soap. It's label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved! If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in the shower!

Great Saturday workday!!!

How exciting... up to do World Geography. But I got the 8 pages done. We worked outside pretty much all day. I knew it was gonna be a good day when Denny said he used the brush ... and then he added "Doesn't that just make your day? It made me lol. I had heard him minutes earlier and suggested that it shure would be nice if he used the brush after he got done. I worked on cleaning out flower beds. Denny worked on shining up repo pickup.

Friday April 26th Happy Birthday Missy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Missy!! I am so thankful for your life. You are a tremendous blessing to me. May you continue to live for Jesus with joy all of your life.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Storm Lake after school

Sanity and Insanity. 6th hour English student was there all day. Cathy helped on Senior exits. Started soccer balls in 7th hour Independent living. After school I headed to Storm Lake for nails. Not the best job and a wait, but I got to use the comfy chair. Pictures from 2008 In Texas at Red Lobster. In St. Louis and me in Omaha with Susan's family.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mom died 5 years ago... miss her

Sanity and insanity. At school we finished a leggo project. Also baked some cookies. After school I headed to Arthur. Awana awards night. I think we had between 225 and 250 people. 58 Pizza Hut Pizzas. 28 bread sticks. I just set up the store with middle schoolers. I made a decision and moved the store to Johnson hall.I think it worked out well. Pictures from 2008.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sanity and short insanity. At 3 o'clock I had my last IEP of the year... hopefully. Uffta. After school I headed home. Denny was home to clean up the repo truck. He grilled burgers on our new grill. I put my clothes away in my closet that has better storage. Small amount done. I walked around outside a little. Saw the baby pigs, daffodils that are not quite open yet, and the east side of the barn. So cold yet.

SNOW ??? AGAIN>>> It's Monday

Sanity and insanity. Went to town early and got a few groceries. Plus a pail of ice cream for Independent living. We fixed pasta salad, fried burgers, green bean balls and I showed them how to make chocolate chip baked Alaska. After school I worked on one Seniors exit papers. Next week they have to be done. Cathy AEA was still not ready to come back. Hope she is feeling better. I need her tomorrow. I was really surprised to see such icky cold, snow falling with slippery roads. Made it home safe. Thank you Jesus. Pictures are of Mother's Day 2010. Sang at Atlantic church the song written for Mom.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Plenty of gray skies heading my way. Zipody do dah

Donuts and fixed Anabel's hair. After church great to twins and triplets. Denny visited with Bob P. lunch was roast pork over biscuits. I worked on World geography. Denny napped after fixing a shoe holder and necklace holder for me. Church prayer time. My oh MY. LOrd I complain so much. Give me a grateful heart and spirit. Help me remember James in my prayers and in my life. Pictures are of camping with family. Love you all so much!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Denny worked at Bank in am.

Quite a day. Up early, but didn't do insanity. I'm feeling lazy and tired of the gray weather. I looked at the first state statements I could find. Then left about 7:30 to go to church and see the girls make pancakes. Then to Dellas to deliver tubs. Then back to church to help clean up after girls left. At home I took tiny plants to sun room. Alan and Laurie are here. Laurie and Anabel went to a shower. Phillip had the boys and Missy worked on Morningside class. Before Denny and I headed to SC Missy went and got dresser. We stopped at the bank to get a copy of the title. Drove around in SC. Shopped at HyVee. Ate at Red Lobster. Drove around again and the pick up was there. Talked on the phone and stopped and talked to the guy. Denny drove the pick up home and I stopped at Goodwill before heading home. Quite an exciting night. The food was really great. Visited with the neighbors after we got home. Pictures are of Brooks birthday, Anabel and Sebby and baby lamb, Denise and Carlie.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Sanity and Insanity. 7:45 Appy hour meeting. Oh, yes, I was there. But did I get it Oh No!! Lord, Keep me learning about technology. No runner for a student. Worked on Leggos for two Independent living science classes. Ar student refused to read. Detention. Discussion in ICN room about letting me know when there are changes in a student's plan. After school $21 at Doses garage sale for Awana. Home to fix Orange chicken for supper and mark Store items and put items in Christmas stockings. Missy came down after 7 when she had worked some on her Morningside class. Phillip had taken kids to get canoes in Ames along with Grandma Laurie. Hurrah!!!!! Pictures of Burlington. It is neat to see violins and ammunition together after one year of marriage and other fun touches. Nice little apartment with a front porch view of the Mississippi River. (Really too bad shower bar fell off when Denny lost his balance in the shower and grabbed it.) Plus, it was good walking together to go eat supper at Whatever the name of the restaurant was. Such fun! So much to be thankful for.