Thursday, April 4, 2013

Another day But we had Trader Joe Orange Chicken for supper!!

Sanity and insanity. At school, first hou=r student walked out of class. Second hour student didn't want to work on AR book, Said I irritated him. Third hour student was there the whole hour. The rest of the day continued the same way, pretty much. AFter school I came home and fixed Orange Chicken and waited for Denny to come home. He had to do work on 3 transactions. Amy came to use the Jeep. Missy came to borrow a pan for making birthday cake. Great supper with Denny. Thank you Jesus. Equip me to do what you have set before me... even though... especially though I am so inept. I just need you, Jesus. Pictures are from Easter ... Great piece for Arlan and table for Jean by Adam. We all fit around the table for Easter dinner.

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