Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday in Burlington

I'm not used to going to bed after 1 am, but it was so nice to visit with Luke and Karen when we got to Burlington about 11:15 last night. Luke fixed breakfast and we chilled with newspapers, computer on the big screen, and iphones. Then we ;unloaded the trailer and moved in the big sofa from the Country condo. The white leather sofa went out in the hallway until some Craig's list recipient buys it. About 10 we headed out to Harley store. Denny had forgotten his jeans and bought a replacement pair there. When he was showering he slipped and held on to the shower bar and it came off. The shelf and bar in the bedroom closet had fallen off so we went to Lowes to get fixit stuff for the closet area. Quick sandwich at JJ and then to the apartment. We walked downtown to an antique exhibit and the grocery store. Back at the apartment Luke and Denny worked on the closet. I read a book, One thousand Gifts. We had scheduled a reservation at 7, but changed it to 9 so the closet work would be all done. We walked to eat at Ponzu's Great food that they fixed right in front of us. The meal was on Denny, who lost the guessing game with Luke on the sex of the Kane and Brooks. Walking the 4-6 blocks there and back on a beautiful evening just topped off the night. Board game at home.

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