Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The last day of 2013

It has been a very good year. Thank you Jesus. We went for $.99 breakfast in the place that used to be Snodgrass fish shop. Then home and played a board game.   Sisters took Keith to airport on Harlingen. Then we came back to eat lunch at The Cobblestone on the Rasaca.  Naps. More games. Go figure ... I won again with 10 victory points.  My flight was 46 minutes late now I am on flight to Dallas. I made it home in fine style. The roads were clear. I jumped on the shuttle right outside the airport door and did not even need my winter coat that I left in the Jeep. I got home about 2. Pictures from the trailer before Bruce H.'s party on Sunday night. Check out the new floor. The weather was great that day and night. People ate and visited out on the deck. I walked a couple back to their home and the sky and palm trees were so beautiful. Picture of Mom's friend Gloria and the 3 of us.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Lots of rain

We had thought we would go golfing.   ... Wrong.  it has rained steadily and alot since 10 pm Sunday night. No golfing for us. Keith went to McD's and Wal amrt and brought home breakfast.  At 1 we went to the show Saving Mr. Banks.  Really enjoyed it. At 6 to Potluck. We took scalloped potatoes and tossed salad.  Played game after potluck. I, who never wins, had 10 victory points.  :)  Bruce left for Iowa about 10 am. He is planning to stop in Indianola and deliver some cactus.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

At South Padre Island

Didn't hear Gail as she tapped on my window.  Got up and ready for church by 7:45.  We stopped and picked up Linda.  Great music.  Then to South Padre Island to eat at the Cafe on the beach @ Palms.  Gail and I  walked the beach.  The weather was great.  I stopped to visit with Gloria at the park.  Then we3, sat out on the dock.  Next to Thrift store with Gails coupon.  Back to cleaning before party.  Then chill from 6-7.  Thirty eight guests here for Bruce's  New years party ... 2 days early.  Watched Ground Hog's Day with Keith until after 1.  Uffta!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Shopping at 77

Bruce Newhouse fixed breakfast.  YUM!  Gail and I went to 77 Market. I bought about $20 of fruits and vegetables. Fixed the cauliflower and carrots, Finished the pulled pork.  Cut up vegetables for tomorrow night.  Nancy watched BB game After that we went down to near the bridge.  Nancy got   a heavy beaded vest.  The guys had another good day golfing.  We ate and then went to the rec center to play board games.  Another great day in the valley. Pictures from supper at Joes.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Golf and Joe's oyster bar

Nice just to lay in bed and read.  Bruce H fixed pancakes for breakfast.  We walked around the park a little. Bruce H went to the gym.  We played Texas dominoes.  At 12:15 we played golf.  It was kind of sprinkling, but it was pretty warm.I played a round with Bruce H. and Keith and shot a 45 the first round.  That was good for me.  Gail, Maynard and Bruce N. ate up the course.  We played the last 4 holes as best ball.  Very poorly at that,  especially myself and Keith.  Muddy field to retrieve ball, Balls off the roofs of adjacent houses.  At home we left for Port Isabel for supper.  Played chicken dominoes before bed.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Destination Brownsville

I had a hard time sleeping last night.  Stress because I am never sure what to pack.  The weather was great as I left at 7 am.  Non eventful trip to Omaha and flight to Dallas.  The plane that took me to Brownsville was a 50 passenger plane.  Gail and Nancy were there to get me.  Supper with Bruces Maynard and Keith.  They got wet playing golf this afternoon.  Nan and Gail had planned a give away game for after supper. 
Pictures first meal at Brownsville and Grands and us in coop.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christ is Born!! Merry Christmas

Kids were up early, We had cereal around the kitchen table.  Then we fixed biscuit donuts covered with sugar.   We started to open presents about 8:30.  So many fun gifts. Denny had made Leggo basse for Evan and Torren.  They wasted no time in using it. Denny and I gave girls matching outfits.  Anabel got glitter crayons, I put egg casseroles in the oven and about half way through the morning we ate cinnamon rolls, eggs, fruit slush, cuke on rye, and OJ. The Johnson kids got walkie talkies, The Jensens kids got a trampoline.  Our kids gave Denny and myself dance lessons from Francie K H.   That should be fun!  Naps for about everyone in the afternoon.  We had turkey about 6 with stove top, Party potatoes, ramen noodle salad, Green bean (spinach) dip, relish tray,strawberry fluff, cherry dessert. Great to have all 16 to eat.  We used Mom's china with red table clothes.  Mandy helped me move the deck table into the sun room.  Mandy and Jason headed to Cherokee after supper. The grands had helped me clean off the table and pass around desserts and I cleaned the kitchen.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Denny worked until after dinner.  Kids were up early  to play, but we didn't have a time frame so we decided to go  to the rec center in the afternoon.  Chopped up vegetables foro soup tonight.  I went out to start fire in Coop. It was cold.  Should have been in charge of kids.  Oh no!  After naps we went to rec center.  Kids played BB, little ones swam and then came home, ate some soup, and took a family picture in coop.  Then to candlelight service at church.  The guys went to the machine shed, were Santa elves, and put together a trampoline. Denny had a taste test in the sunroom.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Oh what a night. GREAT FOOD!!

So nice to be off  from teaching school.  Thank  you Jesus.  Got up early in am. and Grands, Matt and Missy and I are at Rec Center by 7 am.  Stayed until 8 am.   Then quick stop at Arthur bank and home
and the girls headedd to Carroll.   We watched while Mandy tried on wedding dresses.  So much  fun! We ate at Santa Marias.  Nice to have girl time.  I gave the girls 31 bags.  At home we chilled before heading to Santa's castle.  Then we went to a farm house light show.  At home kids went to bed.  Luke and Karen fixed an awesome Asian dinner for adults.  It was so good.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Missouri Johnsons are coming

Up ... don't know why. Had devotions out in the living room. Anabel came down and wanted her hair in Laura Braids, so I braided her hair and put the braids up on her head. Donuts before church. Amy and 3 others were baptized during the service this am. So cool. We took Stangls for subway after church and got groceries. Brooks came with us. At home naps and then Denny went to work at the bank. I started fixing food for this week. Made 2 dozen cinnamon rolls and egg casserole, Matt, Becky and family were here about 6. Denny came home from the bank about 7. Matt tried to keep the little ones from snitching all the black olives. Becky had brought Mexican. YUM!! Kids played so well, They like wrestling, and monopoly. Denny had to go to bed. Work tomorrow. Luke and Karen got here about 10. So great to have family here.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


First day of Christmas break. Loving it. I told Denny that Mandy and Jason were stopping on their way to Cherokee, so we did a clean up job on the apartment. Wrapped presents and took to the sunroom. Stangls called and wanted to bring visitors out to the farm. Beth read to EA&B after she got here. Boys wrestled with Jason after they got here. Worked a little on poems for Mandy. Went to town for glue for Lego base. E&A were pretending they were Santa and Mrs. Claus stuffed their tummies. Reminded me of two others 20 years earlier.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Last day of semester

It was a long day. Students were all present.  For a while. One teacher was out sick.  Another had to leave because of a sick child. Two hour late start because of icy roads. So many changes.... Hard to cope for some students.  Now I am on the last testing time.  Students are struggling with W Geography.  Uffta. The students have lots they need to know. I stayed at school and worked, went to FFA soup supper, basketball game. Did grades and called it a semester  It feels so good to have my work day made up and finished. Now I just have to be at school on the second. Pictures of Brooks loving the whipped cream hot chocolate and choclate chip pancakes in Dubuque.

last day of semester

2 houor late starrt Pictures from Dubuque: desired earmuffs, hats & scarves, Matt and mullet, Spoon tulip with one year anniversary couple