Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The last day of 2013

It has been a very good year. Thank you Jesus. We went for $.99 breakfast in the place that used to be Snodgrass fish shop. Then home and played a board game.   Sisters took Keith to airport on Harlingen. Then we came back to eat lunch at The Cobblestone on the Rasaca.  Naps. More games. Go figure ... I won again with 10 victory points.  My flight was 46 minutes late now I am on flight to Dallas. I made it home in fine style. The roads were clear. I jumped on the shuttle right outside the airport door and did not even need my winter coat that I left in the Jeep. I got home about 2. Pictures from the trailer before Bruce H.'s party on Sunday night. Check out the new floor. The weather was great that day and night. People ate and visited out on the deck. I walked a couple back to their home and the sky and palm trees were so beautiful. Picture of Mom's friend Gloria and the 3 of us.

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