Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new year Welcome 2014

Slept in until 8. How wonderful. I texted RR gals and we decided to meet tomorrow at 7:15 to assign classes and study halls for the staff. Denny had done an amazing job on cleaning the apartment. He put up a new shelf for microwave, washed all the bedding, vacuumed all the bed with the new Kirby, put bed in furnace room down and away. You name it he cleaned it. He is a keeper. Gotta love that guy. About 3 we headed to Kim and Curtis L.'s. Nice bunch of people there. Home and to bed. But Denny started a movie. Hard for me to get to sleep and hard for me to stay up knowing that school starts tomorrow. Pictures of the deck on Sunday night and Bruce giving his test on Valley happenings.

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