Saturday, January 18, 2014

two years ago Anabel died

  I got up early and got started fixing apple pie and Chocolate pie.  It was kinda nice to be lazy with the rest of the morning.  Denny fixed me sausage to go with my toast.  I basically tried to clean the kitchen before lunch.  After lunch Denny was going to the bank to work.  He thought I should head to Storm Lake, but I decided to just go to IG.  I ran and rode the bike at the rec center.  Then home for a quick supper.  We headed to the Awana meeting.  It was a good turnout.  14.  Denny does such a good job of leading the meeting, directing the conversation, as much as possible.  He really shares his heart for the lost kids in our community.  Mary brought a pumpkin dessert, and both pies got eaten.  Missy and Phillip headed to Ames for a Jensen Christmas weekend.  At night Mandy called.  So good to visit with her.   She is taking 3 classes:  writing, role transitions,  health care delivery systems.  There is a shower for Mandy in Cherokee April  26.  She is flying to IG Feb. 28 - March 5th.  With Mandy taking classes her work schedule varies.   On a 4 week schedule she works 2 weekend days out of each 4 week period. and one day during the week.  I think that is it.

It is hard to have both of our parents gone.  We miss them daily and admire the strong ethics they left us with. One picture of 1986, some pictures of Denny's birthday 2010..

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