Happy Birthday Mandy!! Much love to you. So thankful you are our baby girl.
Denny took the pickup to bring his Harley home from church. He left home about 6, there was a training meeting at the bank. At school I went to put something in a girls locker and saw a really nice note to her from another student. I shared the info with another. Later that day I got the nicest compliment of three and a half years. Thank you Jesus … I needed that encouragement. After school I went to the rec center. I biked 6 miles and ran/ellipicalled 4 miles. Then home to watch the news with Denny. Evan and Anabel had Sophi and Jackson over until 7. We had vegetable juice, dill pickles, and leftovers for supper. It was so good. After Missy took home the friends and put the kids in bed, she came down and visited with us. It was so nice. Another Thank you, Jesus. I read in bed and got caught up on Facebook. It made in a really nice day.
3 attendee :)
3 attendee :)

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