Yesterday they canceled school for today. -20 degrees is pretty cold. Denny's bank car didn't start so he took the Jeep. I did not accomplish very much. I talked to Mandy this am
... so that takes care of the contest. I straightened by dresser drawer, and helped Missy as she went through
clothes in her closet. I finished the Boxcar Children Houseboat Mystery, Missy and I ordered the 2013 blog book. Talked with Phillip about flowers for
CSA. Made Chicken enchlatas for supper. Made two batches of ice cream with Missy's present.
Just makes a small batch.
Pictures of Jensen's Christmas trampoline. The kids have saved egg money, They had about half of the needed money. Parents put in money. The elves put it together on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day the Grands came out after all the other presents were opened. They were so excited. Throughout the afternoon, the kids put on their coats and went out to jump. The bad part was that Evan and Torren got locked in the shed, the door wouldn't turn, and I went outside and heard this hollering,"Help, Help". They were happy to get out of the building.

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