Tuesday, December 17, 2013

IEP at 4:30

I had forgotten to prepare a narration for a student led meeting so this am I got up and worked on it.  We'll see how it goes.  Denny stayed in bed until 6:45 when I went in to get him up. I baked some cookies for staff update at 3:30 and staff gift.  At school two students were absent, no make that 3.  After school we ate some snack leftovers from the concert last night.  At our staff chat we had frozen fruit slush and cookies.  We looked at final schedule.  At 4:30 I had an IEP meeting,  It went well.  Missy called and she is taking tickets for the BB game.  I went downtown for a while and then back to watch the BB game against Newell Fonda.  The girls lost and the boys lead until the third quarter, then got overrun and lost the game.  Denny worked at the bank until 9.  I made cowboy caviar,  Missy needs to take treats to school tomorrow.  Pictures from Dubuque family Christmas.

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