Sunday, December 22, 2013

Missouri Johnsons are coming

Up ... don't know why. Had devotions out in the living room. Anabel came down and wanted her hair in Laura Braids, so I braided her hair and put the braids up on her head. Donuts before church. Amy and 3 others were baptized during the service this am. So cool. We took Stangls for subway after church and got groceries. Brooks came with us. At home naps and then Denny went to work at the bank. I started fixing food for this week. Made 2 dozen cinnamon rolls and egg casserole, Matt, Becky and family were here about 6. Denny came home from the bank about 7. Matt tried to keep the little ones from snitching all the black olives. Becky had brought Mexican. YUM!! Kids played so well, They like wrestling, and monopoly. Denny had to go to bed. Work tomorrow. Luke and Karen got here about 10. So great to have family here.

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