Saturday. Grands and I went down to the area by the Christmas room about 6:20. I had papers to color and Golden Grahams to eat. Jensens came down and added milk grapes and bananas. Bruce and Gail joined us before they headed out to work out. About 7:45 we went up to get on swimming suits. Then down to the water park. Matt came with me and the 6. Good to see the little ones splash and have a great time. About 10:30 we went up to shower and get ready for 11 am food in Christmas room. Todd manned the pinata by him self this year. Haley brought along a handkerchief to use as a mask for 7 year old and olders. After the pinata, we had a group picture taken. Santa and Elf came then. We moved back into the Christmas room to have the two some pass out stockings. I wish I would have taken a picture of goodies in stockings. Some items were: 15 swimming suits (90% off at Shopko). 10 Stocking hats, 2 earmuffs, 3 plaid hats, 4 furry long scarfs (90 % off at Dollar general) 21 Bubble blowing ice cream cones with whistles on the top, 6 bags of marbles, 4 noise making toddler books, 6 animal books, 20 Christmas tins, 21 bags of ¾ cup of honey nut cheerios, (Gavin could not figure out why there was a snack bag of cheerios in the tins in the stockings) 4 small firetrucks/ police cars, 21 stuffed animals, 6 long big Christmas pencils, 5 Christmas candy cane pens, 10 action figure heros, 6 rubber band bracelets, 8 wooden ornaments to color. I put the stockings together last Monday. I duct taped the stuffed animals on the top, I had gallon and a half zip lock bags at the bottom of each stocking for the cousins to put their loot in. I left the loot in the bags for the cousins who didn’t make it to Dubuque to make transporting easier.
It was a really good lunch at 11. fresh fruit, shrimp, deli meat sandwiches to make, veggie tray. Then came the gifts for the kids and the card game gift bag take away. The mullet that Luke and Karenn brought was a laugh maker. I was happy to end up with the 31 bag and pampered chef pan. Next more swim time. At 5 we got Pappa Johns pizza then headed to the bowling alley. Fun to watch the kids bowl. They really seemed to enjoy it. After bowling the families headed back to walk to the hotel. We stayed with Luke and Karen and visited and watched him turn $25 gift card to $110. Denny and I stopped in Craig and Marilynn’s room before heading to bed.

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