Monday, June 30, 2014

Fun day

Slept until 6.  That's late for me. Devotions got side tracked when Kane came into the bedroom.   We had root beer coffee with Grandpa on the deck before he went to work.  After breakfast I finished reading then we went outside.  It was a lot of playing in the rain.  I picked flowers for CSA tomorrow.  We had a break with CSA workers.   About 11 Storm Lake called and said a bad storm was headed our way.  Put things away in CSA shed.  Kids used Nancy's craft boxes and we watched On our Own in the sun room while it rained and small hail.  We took lunch to Arthur and ate in the shelter house in the pouring rain.  Then naps and more playing outside in the afternoon.  Seven new baby pigs this afternoon.  We ate supper in coop with the Jensens,  They had maidrites before the discussion group and I brought Mac and cheese.  Denny went to Sac County Cattlemen's steak fry, We went to Moorhead park.  Then home for showers and finish the video before going to bed.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Awana supper get together

Ran in am with Matt ... actually I "ran" he about walked, but it was so good to run with a son.  Left Savannah after breakfast.  Home by 11:30.  I took kids to church for lunch.  Denny stayed and cleaned garage, etc for Awana get together.  Naps in afternoon.  I went to town for groceries, then to Bob P. for flowers.  Great bunch came for Awana meeting. about 25 adults and 15-20 kids.  I was so encouraged with the heart these leaders have for sharing the gospel with children and their families. God has richly blessed us.  What an awesome groups of individuals to work with.  Pastor shared that 90% of the church family groups work with Awana.  Thank you Jesus.  Pictures of Haley batting, birthday boy and Awana meeting.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Kane is 3!!!

I went out for a run this am.  Ran west until there was a dog at the next house barking.  Then I turned around.  It was relaxing just to spend time at Matt and Becky's house.  Tools from Grandpa's look really nice being displayed in the garage.  At 10 another family from  church came for Kane's birthday.  2 cute little girls  Annaya and Annabelle.  Haley, Denny, Matt and I left for Haley's ball game about 12.  Fun to watch her play.  At home we chilled with kids and Frank and Jenny H.   Matt and Becky left for a wedding in Maryville.  At night Denny and Matt looked for lawnmowers on  Craig's list.

Heading to Savannah after work

Spent morning getting apartment ready for Grands.  Put stuff back in bunk house.  Big heavy tub with albums. Cleaned out refrigerator. I worked in garden until Denny got home from work.  We sat on deck and chilled then joined Jensens and Frank for hamballs and veggies. Left for Savannah about 7:40 and got there 4 hours later.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Trip to storm lake

Up and just hung around apartment in am.  Then went out to help pick snow peas, and put together my flowers to get ready for Thursday pickup.  I ate lunch with CSA bunch.  Headed to IG about 1. After Bible study I went to Storm Lake and got my nails done.  Then headed home.  Missy had already given shares to CSA members, so I didn't stop at Prairie Pedlar.  Denny has been trying to get the music and power point on a DVD.  Stressful when it doesn't come together easily..
Pictures from wedding.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday trip to SC

Haircuts for boys and me at 9:30. Then home  I went to tour the Ethanol plant in Arthur about 11.  Great lunch.  Went to IG to get Laura and leave $5 at the Courier for their engagement announcement. We headed to SC.  I got tablecloths from Megan, to GW, and bread store.  Next to Kohls and David's.  The dress fit well.  Headed home. At night Denny tried to get the music and power point on DVD.
Pictures from wedding:

CSA pickup

Didn't exercise ... Got flowers ready, helped pick snow peas, worked on power point ... That was my day. Denny came home and planned to spray the house.  A hose was broken.  We took out garbage and chilled by swingset.  Then to unit to get chop saw to cut off the flower containers.  Rochelle came to CSA with Emelia her 4 day old daughter. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Home ... back to the job for Denny

Up to walk thru my garden this am. Spent most of the day inside on the computer. At 5, I went in to IG to get gas for the lawnmower and coffee for Denny.   I joined Jensens late for supper then went to book discussion while Denny mowed.   Pictures from the wedding.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Took Mandy and Jason to airport

Ate down in Super 8 with family as they were packing up and heading back home.  We stopped at Jeans before heading to take Mandy and Jason to the Omaha airport.  Then home.  My goal this week is to get power point conquered.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Beth and Stephen's wedding

Breakfast at Super 8.  Cousins were going to run at 8.  I watched kids in pool after Torren and I ran/?? a mile.  Matt and Becky joined us later with Jensens.   Nancy got home from Mercy check up about 12:30 last night.  We went to eat at Hyvee salad bar.  Denny and I went to wedding about 3.  Nice church with reception hall connected.  I did the 1 Corinthian 13 reading during the wedding.  Lots of fun at the reception, meal, and dance.  Good to be with family.  The flowers turned out pretty.  Isn't that a great picture of Beth and Stephen?  Also, I love the picture that came off Matt's camera of our family.  He asked if anyone on Facebook wanted to bet that I would be using it in our Christmas letter.

Heading to Indianola

Didn't run this am.  Picked some more flowers and loaded the pails in the truck.  We left at 8 and got to Indianola at 11.  We went right to the church and put the flowers in the vases until about 2:30.  After lunch Denny checked into the Super 8.  He brought the Harley back to pick me up. Nancy spent about 3 hours+ ironing the table clothes.  Denny and I rode the bike down 65/69 to Lake Acquabie.  The back to the square for the Motorcycle gathering.  Back to church for wedding rehearsal.   We went back to walk the square and then to Sports Page for the rehearsal supper.  Nancy was at the church and was in an accident.  The church driveway enters 92 at a busy place where the speed limit is 55.  She pulled out and got t boned.  Because the drivers side was smashed and she was not able to climb over the console, they had to call jaws of life to get her out.  Jean went with her to Mercy in Des Moines to get checked out.  They were there until after midnight, luckily everything checked out okay.  Thank you Jesus for watching over Nancy.  Denny and Arlan headed to Trader Joes and then to the airport to get Mandy and Jason.  Matt and Becky got in about 4 and went swimming in the super 8 pool.  I visited with them and then went to Henderson's room.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Getting flowers in pails

Ran for 45 minutes, then started to pull some weeds, pick some flowers,  It had rained and so I started to pull weeds in the asparagus row.  I wondered if the asparagus took up the whole row, asked Phillip and no.  So I am planning to mow and rototill.  Started picking more flowers and then putting them in buckets so they can get cooled down.  I took all morning to get them filled.  6 buckets and a couple baskets.   I went to Bible study at Ginny's and then back home.  When Denny got home from work we decided to head to Indianola tomorrow in the am  We headed to Mike's to put stickers on 5,000 water bottles.  Such a great bunch of people to do the work.  We stayed until dark.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Church picnic

Up early for devotions ... very early. Back to bed. In the am I ???? Went to Paulsruds and picked red roses to put in the cooler. At 12:15 I headed to Denison to bring home a lawn mower. With all the rain Denny said I had to come home with one. Ours was being fixed, but not done. I was to wait until it was done. He had given me a list of possible ones to buy if ours could not be fixed. He was bummed because he would have to mow the home place and the unit and not get to go to the church picnic. Plus not go to Indianola on Thursday night if mowing was not done. So when I talked to him after I was in Denison he said I should shop ... ???? while the mower was being fixed. Really shop at a mower repair shop. I was thinking shop at Walmart, but I would have to drive the pickup and long 16 foot trailer. Not conducive to u turns, which I frequently make. So shop I did, He had given me his check book. I came home with 2 mowers. Really, Faith?? Yup, figured we could both mow and get the jobs done so we could go late to the picnic PLUS go to Indianola on Thursday. Ole Brooks... We had him going... Whose is that brown mower behind your blue mower? It seemed to work pretty well. Denny mowed some at home and then headed to unit. I finished at home and then headed to the unit. We finished the unit and cleaned up. On the way to Lakeview picnic I stopped and got some flowers from Terry G. In Speaker park we ate really well and visited a little before heading home. Pictures from Evan's Baseball playing. Like Grandma Laurie said ..." the pitcher sitting on a bucket makes the whole game."  Of course Brooks with a green net over his head also adds to the game time.