Monday, June 2, 2014

Home, but not much done

Ran for 45 minutes.  Then I walked around.  Lots of weeds.  Missy was in IG walking with a friend.  The kids were watching Denny's phone.  They had Rice Krispies and hot cocoa.  I spent most of the am reading for the CSA discussion.  About noon I came in and straightened.  Denny had Missy get 7 under the bed storage units for my clothes.  I really didn't get started putting the clothes away.  It will be a big job, but so nice to have storage units for some of it.  I worked in until 3, then I mowed the lawn until 5.  I called one plant place to tell about plants that didn't make it.  They will send replacements.  The other plant order they had me mail in the mailing label.  Hopefully, they will also send replacements.  We ate outside and then Denny headed to mow at the unit.  The discussion group is at Cherry Creek farm.

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