Didn't run this am. Picked some more flowers and loaded the pails in the truck. We left at 8 and got to Indianola
at 11. We went right to the church and put the flowers in the vases until about 2:30. After lunch Denny checked into the Super 8. He brought the Harley back to pick me up. Nancy spent about 3 hours+ ironing the table clothes. Denny and I rode the bike down 65/69 to Lake Acquabie. The back to the square for the Motorcycle gathering. Back to church for wedding rehearsal. We went back to walk the square and then to Sports Page for the rehearsal supper. Nancy was at the church and was in an accident. The church driveway enters 92 at a busy place where the speed limit is 55. She pulled out and got t boned. Because the drivers side was smashed and she was not able to climb over the console, they had to call jaws of life to get her out. Jean went with her to Mercy in Des Moines to get checked out. They were there until after midnight, luckily everything checked out okay. Thank you Jesus for watching over Nancy. Denny and Arlan headed to Trader Joes and then to the airport to get Mandy and Jason. Matt and Becky got in about 4 and went swimming in the super 8 pool. I visited with them and then went to Henderson's room.

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